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Monday, January 02, 2012

Another Busy And Possibly Difficult Week Ahead...

The carers return today in approx 10 minutes(I say carers)in reality at present its the same one...

Tomorrow we have to jump through hoops and prove we should be getting extra financial help...all the forms were filled in months ago and those involved said we should get it and all was sorted, seemingly some loose ends need tidying up. So some official is calling.

Wednesday its the appointment with the Consultant regarding Mums cancer...Still doing well but I am afraid that the tumour is growing again...It now has white spots on it but a nurse who is quite up in such matters suggests that I ask if there is a fungal infection on the tumour bed causing inflammation and swelling which might make it look as though its growing again.

Also, a fungal infection could cause a change in behaviour, appetite, increased confusion as the digestive tract is affected and bowel changes...and of course Mum may need a blood test(I think they'll do that automatically)and it may show changes in her blood counts that could require a blood transfusion(as happened at the start of this journey)and if anaemic that too can cause can a water infection in the elderly.

Now, if this is the case perhaps things may improve again with treatment and care, if so perhaps and I hope that we will not have too much to worry over again. But you await possible dreaded words your Oncologist may utter.

Update:Tuesday 2012 01 03:Not a good day, Hope Mum is better for seeing the Oncologist tomorrow and I can get her to the hospital by Taxi. Had the weekly visit from the District Nurse(first time for this one)she's normally in the office so has not much information on Mum. So whereas the others who call can compare from one visit to the next this one had nothing to compare it too. Overall she thought it looked intact and not too bad, cleaned the area and applied cream but...

When she left I had to do it again as I noticed that because of how she went about the task the bedding and the new pants were already soiled as they were put on. So again, I found myself doing the work others are supposed to be doing to save me some work. Now don't get the impression I am constantly doing this...we can often go for quite sometime and really though things may become worse, we are managing very well all things considering.

Oh I hope we are not going to hear some really bad news tomorrow and that he is happy with how things are and that he may consider further treatment when it is safe to do so. I hope that he doesn't say we will leave things as they are and Mum is living on borrowed time. We are but as things stand we have not been given a time frame.

Update:The visitor who is calling about helping us is not calling today and for at least the 5th time they have the dates wrong and we have gone back to a date we were given a few weeks ago and had I not called the office I'd still be waiting. I would be wondering if they would come when Mum is at hospital, we're back on for Friday...

What a horrible day weatherise, its windy we have squally showers and though it usually gets dark in the early afternoon it is really dark.

There has been damage reported in the media and some deaths around the UK but in my street so far my wheelie bin was blown over even though weighted down with lots of rubbish inside and a fence was blown down over the road but some hours later when I looked out it was erected again but as the person is out at work I have no idea who repaired it and when.


Anonymous VQ said...

Everything crossed for good news tomorrow, Gildy.
I'll be thinking of you both. x

3 January 2012 at 19:19  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

Thanks VQ...That means so much.
Its no good second guessing what tomorow holds.

There is a strange calmness around here tonight.

Remember we were told it was a fair bet we would get Attendence Allowence(and probably should have had it before now?)

We had the form filled in by an expert from the local a letter today saying a decision on our claim has not been made but not to worry as we won't lose money...we will if they turn us down.

But the Social Worker, District Nurses, carers, the carer association all say we are the kind of people who should have this help.

Well, we'll soon find out.

3 January 2012 at 20:34  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

As an aside I think(If I believe the local carers Association)that contacted me today about my concerns as to how we've been treated lately, they tell me that there are no questions about how I look after Mum.

So perhaps I'll let that go least it shows I won't be walked over. I have a backbone.

3 January 2012 at 22:41  
Anonymous VQ said...

You have more than a backbone, my love.
You have a heart and an awful lot of guts too.
I do hope all went well today.

4 January 2012 at 18:01  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

Thanks VQ...
You'll see from the latest entry things took a different turn unexpectedly.

I did lose it a little as I said goodbye to her in hospital(we both did)she so wants to come home...

4 January 2012 at 23:24  

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