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Sunday, January 01, 2012

A New Year Begins...

It will probably change but at this time my Mum is very loving(which was always her nature)and likes lots of cuddles and the holding of hands so we are enjoying that bond we have. And I also realise that many are not fortunate to have such a close relationship.

If she falls asleep she likes to know that I am there and it gives Mum comfort.

I don't believe she understands that she has mind problems but admits to being frightened(its awful when you cannot make things better)It also doesn't help when at times she says "I don't want to die yet!"

I have read of people having reasonable lives for years with the right care and understanding.

I won't say that its not going to hurt but as I know Mum is not in control of changes her brain will go through I think I will be able to accept the day when she does not recognise me or know who I am.

And I hope that I will not dwell on it and think of our happier times together. This assumes again that she will be here for sometime to come and we may never reach that point.

With understanding and care we may still have some good times to share. But I am jumping the gun and so much of this is unknown.

In some ways its good to get help from reputable organisations and the internet/pc has been so important but its sad that most of my time on line is now spent looking up and finding out information about something so sad.

I hope that the confusion of late and how quickly it seems to have become worse may be tied in with the cancer and people have suggested some possiblities which sound familiar to when all this began approx 3 months ago and just as the cancer is supposed to be a slow one, I hope this type of dementia is slow too.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Try and keep your Mum's mind occupied if you can -perhaps start a jigsaw puzzle and let her fill in bits when she feels like it-she might even enjoy it?
Also in these winter months maybe a sun lamp could help on the wound for a few minutes a day? Ultra violet light from the lamp would certainly kill any fungal infections.

4 January 2012 at 09:41  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

Thanks for interesting idea...

4 January 2012 at 23:32  

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