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Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas Day And...

A Happy Christmas to You and Yours...

Apologies if any of you reading here usually receive a Christmas card from Mum and myself. You must admit this year is a little different and so some things I am behind on so if you sent a card to us thank you, it is appreciated. Hopefully, you'll receive a New Year card soon...

In general the day got off to a reasonable start, Mum needed little if any extra care. Mum wants to watch the Queen's speech(we may watch the repeat later)so we can listen to our favourite Sunday afternoon music programme which a Christmas special. Mum is also looking forward to her Christmas lunch(Well, evening meal)

Update One:Most of the work I have found myself having to do today and you guess how awful this is that Mum wanted a Tomato juice and...managed to spill it all over a continental quilt, carpet and some pillow cases which managed to go through to the pillows itself. A small amount can cause so much in the way of stains. And again, when you cannot get the quilt into a washing machine you can imagine the problems its caused.

Complan can be equally troublesome to get rid of if its spilled and you can only take so many precautions to avoid accidents. That would be the same if we started to think about replacing the carpet.

The weather isn't so good outside, its not a white Christmas but its dull, white cloud, cold and there is an increase in the chilly winds...

The worse thing is my brand spanking new laptop I have discovered(I wanted it to record audio files)it can manage speech with some music fine but music on its own sounds metallic and as though its in tunnel and it kind of disappears with a strange effect I cannot describe(it has a sci-fi quality about it)so to some extent it has turned into an expensive mistake.

Who would know this would be a problem. I'm wondering if it needs a better sound card installed if that's possible(more expense and the warranty will be no longer any good)the other idea which is much less expensive but a compromise would be to join up quite a few phono audio leads and run them from downstairs all the way to my bedroom and plug them into one of my desktop PC's here.

There is always a problem unforeseen...

Update Two:Not as planned, I am still cleaning the quilt(tomato juice really is a pain if spilt(I thought that it may)but this is my first experience of it and I am washing in general. Mum's very sleepy and I have a feeling she's not going to get downstairs to see the Queen or have her Christmas meal there but she could still surprise me. Perhaps Boxing Day will be better.

At least the radio is good tonight(better than the TV)unless you like soaps, so perhaps we'll just enjoy each other's company and listen together. I think it will be a case of taking the Christmas meal to Mum. She's still talking of having it and yes, some Christmas pudding.

Update Three:Not the greatest Christmas we've had, please let tomorrow be better. Mum has slept most of it away. If that helps Mum that's fine by me but if its our last together I'd rather treat Boxing Day as the one to remember. It can be our Christmas Day. I did get a Christmas meal of sorts into her(more to build up her strength than anything because she had not really eaten anything)We did not even pull a Christmas cracker.

If she's well enough tomorrow, we'll try again and see if we can eat some Christmas Pudding. I'm still washing, more little disasters like the chain on plug for the kitchen sink has snapped. And a pillow I washed and tumbled dried has hole in it and feathers are in the drier and on the carpet where I pulled the pillow out of the drier. By the way how do you stop pillows from going a funny shape after they've been in a washer?(I had to cut into the pillow and try and smooth the filling back into some kind of shape so they were flattish again)Minor annoyances in the great scheme of things.

I think tonight rather than try and grab some sleep whilst keeping an eye on Mum I will stay up all night and keep an extra special watch over her.

I want a better day tomorrow as from Tuesday the carer returns and we start all that routine again and we know not what the future holds(Well, we have an idea but not how long we have and how soon difficult things could become)I worried about the cancer but I am more concerned now about Mum's memory problems/confusion but mostly likely if Mum is tired. Its terrible having two serious things to worry over.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Obviously its difficult managing costs, so I dont understand the need for a new Laptop,when you have several desk computers?

26 December 2011 at 21:48  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

Most of the electrical items here are old and the two desktop PC's are second hand or possibly third/fourth hand so on the whole I am pretty thrifty.

And as things will get tougher I have to get what I can when I am able.

26 December 2011 at 22:47  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

I'll probably end up running the cable from downstairs which is a relly cheap compromise...

The laptop was on special offer...

26 December 2011 at 23:42  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

I should also add that I rarely drink, I don't smoke, I don't buy a lot of personal luxury items and spend a lot of time at home so my computers are my main interest/hobby...

27 December 2011 at 09:07  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I guess I spoke to soon about Christmas, didn't I.

Tomato juice is a booger to get out of anything. Why can't you wash the quilt. You shouldn't wash them often and they should be washed on the delicate cycle, but unless it's constructed in a different way, it should be alright in the washer then hang dry or flat dry if you can.

As for the laptop issue, if you're anything like me, the laptop is one of the only outlets you have, and helps keep you sane.

Besides, once you get it up an running, you can share programs with your Mum on days she doesn't feel up to going downstairs. I get it.

You might try a set of small external speakers. That's what I have on mine as the ones on this thing are horrible. They usually aren't too expensive. Might be worth looking into anyway.


6 January 2012 at 02:42  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

Spot on Jan,

Complan isn't easy to remove from a duvet either...are they duvets or continental quilts? You know what they are, those items full of thick stuffing.

It wouldn't be so bad if anything spilt goes through the outer layer and into the filling.

However. I'm back to the old plan...a washable mattress protecter and wrap it around the duvet that is on the floor. It will keep it clean and anything spilt runs off.

If there was a local laundry service/launderette but for what it costs to use either its now sometimes easier/cheaper to buy another. The latter would cost as much to hire a taxi and travel there and back.

I tried to get it into my new washer and managed to get approx three quarters into the machine(sadly, its not big enough)

Again spot on about why I use one and about the speaker idea too.

I haven't got around to sorting out the laptop.

I've risked using it on speech programmes which aren't as bad but music really is a waste of time for now.

Its handy having a laptop for when some programmes are not available on the radio upstairs but are only available on stations carried only on the satellite receiver.

Or some programmes clash. If I was on my own perhaps I would have a desktop in a lounge and could avoid using a laptop but a laptop is easier and takes up less space.

6 January 2012 at 07:48  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now, see...THIS is where you actually need help! Why can't they just ask what you need?

It's like my brother and I say, sometimes, "Please, stop helping me!" :) They want to do what they think you need. Figure that out! :P

As for the duvet that's a feather thing or poly-filled? If it's poly-filled you might be able to soak it in the bath if your washer won't handle it, then hang dry. If it's feather....whew....not sure what to do there. :(

The laptop makes more sense. Once you get the bugs worked out you'll be able to share music and televised programs with Mum wherever she feels comfortable.

Good choice, imo! :)

6 January 2012 at 16:59  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

I may give the washing in the bath idea a try if I move out the chair they gave us to lower mum into the bath...

I used to do something similar and it worked.

To be honest I used to do most of my sheets and blankets that way by hand and it wasn't a trouble and it didn't take much time but again the Social services etc... got me talked into having a washer and tumble dryer.

Yes, its easier I suppose but I'll soon find out how much larger the electric bill is when it comes in.

I always kept Mum clean(if every home was as clean regarding clothes/bed linen)but now if there is the tiniest mark barely visable its removed.

Even when Mum was in hospital they had more marks on the bed linen than I have but they weren't removing them as much as I do or feel I have to because of the recent situation.

6 January 2012 at 20:31  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, for everyday washing, machines are's those really bulky items that are tough.

As for the electric bill, most new machines are energy efficient, so hopefully, it won't be too bad.

If you go back to the hospital perhaps you should take pictures of some of the things they're getting away with in there, and show them as a comparison. :P

Same thing in hospitals here. No different.

Personally, I think people who go into this profession should have to be immobilized for a month and have to be taken care of by someone 24/7 and take care of someone who is immobilized for a month 2/47 before they are allowed to interact with clients.

I think we'd come away with a whole different system, frankly.


6 January 2012 at 23:39  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

Yes though there is some confusion/memory problems as Mum is home from hospital, she's calm and content.

And has needed less changing and I must make clear again, any cleaning to clothes and bed linen is not as bad as the services make out, its been better since radio therapy.

And we're better than the hospital so to be cricised as has ben happening seems way over the top.

The point is that neither the District Nurse service or Social Services actually do any of the work themselves, they comment and delegate and don't really get their hands dirty but complain about others.

I agree what you say Jan, what's that saying about walking a mile in someone else's shoes...

7 January 2012 at 10:24  

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