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Saturday, December 31, 2011

I Should Have Had A Look Out...

But I cannot be bothered. I want to be around Mum. The weather is horrible and I don't feel as positive or bright as usual.

Being New Year's Eve chances are most shops will be closed tomorrow so I really should be getting some bread, milk and some chicken or something.

But I think I can manage with what I have in the food store until next week.

I have lots of soup, fruit, fruit juice, eggs, milk, bread, spaghetti, baked beans, ham, fish, potatoes, salad stuff, cereals, porridge I should be able to make something out that lot to tide us over and Mum isn't eating as much as she was.

I hope I can persuade Mum to watch some TV tonight but its difficult when the programmes don't interest her much. But a change of scenery has to be good.


Blogger Span Ows said...

Happy New Year Gildy, best wishes and here's wishing all mums had a son like you.

31 December 2011 at 18:52  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

And the same to you Span and your family.

I haven't posted much about the way things have possibly changed regarding Mum's mental capacity but I have been asking questions on a couple of reputable websites.

I am clutching at straws but I have been told don't automatically think the worst and the recent problems may be caused by some simple medical problems some of which happened some months back.

Thanks for your support, I can say Mum never held me back, I'm here through the situation I find myself and through choice too, nor have I been a substitute husband for when Dad passed away.

I had to listen one of Mum's brothers say that the other night. And he also thinks its perculiar that I am looking after Mum but doesn't if the situation is the other way around.

I think he's the one with the problem.

I do what I do out of love and I am really the only living relative so what was I going to do?

Though I appreciate that many would not be as caring.

31 December 2011 at 21:00  

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