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Friday, December 30, 2011

Worrying Times...

Not what I want to see as we enter the New Year and our appointment with the consultant.

Mum's tumour has been quite consistent and remained intact...the carer and nurse have been very positive about how the lump has reduced. However, yesterday the nurse said that the skin around the area is healthy and all is good but the carer mentioned a slight change in appearance(some white spots on it)

As we are not having carers in over the new year period I was dealing with Mum a bit more closely today and yes, though still small and they say any change would take some time to show and it wouldn't happen overnight I think it has started growing again and yes I can see the white spots they are on about.

I don't know if the change is big enough to mean we should be over concerned. I said earlier our consultant mentioned if it came back within three months they may not give further treatment, six months they probably would.

Well, I suppose it must be at least six weeks since the Radio therapy treatment was completed so possibly if it does grow this slowly maybe he might consider another round somewhere down the line...its still much better than it was though I have to concede.

But of course we'll have to see if he wants Mum to have another scan, a blood test in case she is anaemic and needs another blood transfusion. Of course none of the above may happen.

And of course I am watching over Mum's memory problems too. Sadly, it may be more than short term memory loss, then again many illnesses have symptoms that are similar so I hope that I am wrong. We'll just have to take it one day at a time.

I have advice which may mean the confusion could(Please God)be for other reasons so we'll see how that goes. It could be for all the reasons I've already given and yes those so called innocent white spots that I mentioned may have something to do with it remarkable as it seems.

Of course I have kept Mum's remaining living brothers informed how things are but all they seem to say is Mum should be in a home! The easy option. Things will have to be really bad before I'll ever consider that option and its not on my radar. Another relative on my Father's side who I have made contact has said look after Mum as long as you can and you'll know that you have done your best by her.

His Father had dementia and was looked after until a spell in hospital but before he could be placed in a home he passed away. However a home was only considered because his mother was also quite aged and it was too much for her to care for him. I have age on my side for now. They keep saying I am still a "Young man!" Sadly time is catching up on me and unless they keep increasing the age that you retire from work, I'll soon be collecting my pension soon enough assuming my own health does not deteriorate further.

I was talking to a neighbour I have never met before and so many people are struggling and looking after their own "because its what you do" and not all are getting help...this person is in his 80's, going blind and looking after his wife who has Parkinson's Disease and he says he'll look after as long as he's able and she says she wants him to do so because she trusts him. How many are playing out similar scenario's?


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