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Monday, December 19, 2011

Still Unsure...

I'm a little happier after today but still a bit suspicious of the District Nurse. I was pretty cold with the District Nurse and it resulted in us having quite a heart to heart but again(Stupid me)I got distracted by a second person who came along(who was introduced as a colleague who might fill in when someone is missing)but later on it came out that she was a "Team Leader" and that means she is "The Boss"?

So not exactly who she was said to be and...the Nurse obviously felt she was going to get a bit of a difficult time otherwise why bring a second person again?

One thing Mum remembers is the Nurse when talking with her was that she remarked on Mum's clean finger nails so that still rankles and shows it was one of the problems in the first place.

But I was told, that I am caring for Mum well enough and doing a good job so maybe I'll have to accept the situation for now, the only problem is we are still stuck with the extra care that has been arranged and the extra cost.

They are very happy with the progress regarding Mum's tumour.

She has to have three baths with the carer's(not four as was mentioned on that meeting I had last week)but as Mum is having at least three baths each week and she prefers to have them when she wishes and stay in the water a bit longer so she gets more of a soak and benefits from that but then that means taking today as an example she wants her bath(and wash her hair)before going to bed after having been downstairs watching tv earlier but then that means as tomorrow is marked as a day for a bath with a carer Mum has to get up at 9.30am and have another so she's had two within twelve hours.

And Mum doesn't like getting up that early(I don't)when I don't have to and chances are as the carer leaves Mum will go back to bed to rest even if not sleep so the visit by a carer is actually a bit like a nuisance rather than benefitting Mum.

Mum could've had three or four baths with a carer under our original agreement as they were visiting four days per week already.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wouldn't it be more sensible for your Mum not to have her hair washed last thing at night ?

Also 9.30 am isn't too early to get up in the morning is it ?

Is your Mum feeling so ill that she has to go back to bed after the carer's left ? Perhaps it would be a good idea if she got fully dressed & sat out in her chair or perhaps went down stairs ?

I know you said your Mum likes to have a soak in the bath, but I seem to remember a few months ago you said she wasn't getting in the bath at all, so at least with help from the carers and a ? bath board, she's at least getting a bath now.

I know it's annoying when health professionals inconvenience you, but try & look at the positive side of things won't you ?

19 December 2011 at 17:41  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

Mum would prefer to have a bath when she wants them. Obviously she would not be going straight into bed after a bath and by the time she is ready her hair will be dry, it doesn't take long and if it is just a warm bath hopefully it will relax her.

Mum has been using the bath chair lift since it was installed but not necessarily with a carer and it wasn't in the original care plan anyhow.

9.30am isn't too early but on these cold dark mornings nothing is gained by her sitting in a chair downstairs. She's not into morning tv.

Some elderly people are up at the crack of dawn.

And we had a concession today from the District Nurse that it is warmer upstairs, she can look outside at the world as it passes by the window, she has her music, she's thinking of having a tv in the bedroom and the bathroom/toilet are all on one level.

We always have tried to look on the positive side of things and so far the only upset has not come from the carer and still could've been avoided if handled differently...

I'm dropping this for now and will see how things pan out until after Christmas but I have been given some very good ideas of where to go with my concerns and unlike some people who think I am full of self pity or being awkward I have had a professional person who works in the profession and think we have been treated less than fairly. And it looks a bit strange.

19 December 2011 at 18:50  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Perhaps it would be a good idea to get your Mum a TV for her bedroom, she must get rather bored .

Has she spent the majority of her time in her bedroom for long , or is it only since she's had the growth ?

19 December 2011 at 21:12  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

Thankfully most of the time neither of us suffer with boredom and its a pity that a lot of what is on TV is no longer the kind of programmes Mum likes...

We prefer music and radio in general.

I think we've both spent more time upstairs in recent years...

19 December 2011 at 22:04  

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