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Friday, September 30, 2011

It's Not Looking Good...

Back from the hospital...

Its not looking good.

The Dr we saw told me on the quiet that Chemo was out. That the growth looked bad(and he will have seen enough examples to know in his heart of hearts whether its cancer or not)but at the end having taken a biopsy he said it could be a polyp but I doubt it(I know that he doubts it too)and his reaction said it all. He felt her stomach but didn't mention feeling anything else. We go back in a fortnight to hear the results but Mum has already guessed that its not good either.

He mentioned at best they might take a bit of the growth away so she can pass motions easier but that was about it.

When they start talking about considering getting help in that sounds like she may not have that long.

Update:I was offered some dressings at the hospital to bring home...they forgot to give them so I had to hunt out the nurses and they gave me...six!

I went back to the District Nurses(a number I had been given earlier in the week)and was told Mum's case was closed and passed to another number. I phoned the Dr's surgery first to see what they could offer and they gave me the same number. I phoned, they don't supply items like the dressings etc...I was put back to...the place I started.

They have delivered some items tonight and from Monday they are going to help with Mum's care...not sure how much but Mum is ok about it. I'll still do most of the care but...they will assess both our needs.


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