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Sunday, September 18, 2011

Constituency Boundaries...

I cannot believe that I am able to continue blogging and keeping an interest in things. I hope that I shall be strong enough to do so and that living alone with no one to share music or my thoughts with I will give up.

Many years ago...I'd hate to think how long, perhaps approx twenty years ago my town was representated by an MP who had given long service to the area. Then boundaries were changed and soon after Tony Blair was parachuted into the area . The change probably had a lot to do with him winning the seat for the next thirteen plus years.

It upset the original MP and I don't think he ever got over it. I seem to remember that he might have been offered a title to sweeten the blow but I cannot be one hundred per cent sure on that. It would appear that he was awarded a title but its more complicated than I thought.

Once again Parliament is talking of reducing the redrawing the constituency boundaries but in doing so they are talking about reducing the number of MP's that represent the population and experts think that this will favour one party over all others and some very high profile MP's could find themsleves no longer being elected and some from the same party could be in competition with each other.

My town is governed by the Unitary council based in Durham, my councillors are all there and the town is part of County Durham. Yet, should the proposals be accepted we find ourselves sharing our constituency with Teeside.

I really do get more and more disillusioned with our political system and what is called democracy.

The old and new boundaries


Blogger Span Ows said...

The boundaries change all the time, the Commission has a never-ending job to level the playing field as it is constantly making the constiuency populations as even as possible or you get the silliness where the Conservatives needed far more votes to win a seat than Labour (of course it's even worse for the Lib Dems)

With the reduction to 600 it seems several big names are going to lose their seats (mainly Conservative but a few Labour too) however the 'big beasts' will probably be placed in other easy-win places.

19 September 2011 at 13:54  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

After all that's happened in recent years its amazing that many of those in Parliament were re-elected.

And if they move some MP's around to save their careers and put them into the new boundaries it would be perhaps nice to see some "Big" names be removed by the local population.

19 September 2011 at 15:56  

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