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Monday, February 22, 2016

Finally Perhaps An Improvement...

I have had gout but never as bad as these past days. Though having said that twenty years ago I was in a hotel and in bed for three days and had to crawl to the toilet on my hands and knees so maybe I had it then.

Talking to a taxi driver on Saturday he told how he laughed at the thought of gout and he too was crawling on all fours with swollen feet and ankles but in a lot of pain.

You know I am bad when I did not attempt to go out last evening to the little bingo club or this afternoon. Sadly three weeks ago I planned to be at a Chinese New Year event this evening but I've called that off too.

I want to say that I have improved(thanks to painkillers and gout medication)and at last in bed I can bare the blankets touching my foot. I managed to get to the toilet in a little less pain but having got up to come on here and to use the telephone it seems to be coming back.

I can give it until Friday but will then perhaps have to seek out more medical help. Drinking lots of plain water to flush out the system and eating toast.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi, found your blog again at weekend after a long time. Laptop broke and couldn't remember strange name. Sorry to hear you are unwell. Believe lots of people swear by apple cider vinegar (preferably organic) for gout. Are you managing to get down to your kitchen for food and drink? Lots of benefits to living alone but very hard at times like this. Can you call on your friends for help? Wishing you a speedy recovery, Susan

22 February 2016 at 14:35  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

I think you are who I think are :-) Does that make sense? Good to have you along. My laptop is broken too. I need a new one so I have lost some contacts. I need a new Desktop too TBH(or at least a refurbished one)

I tell you what. I think of someone and though a coincidence within hours or days they appear in my life :-)

I do think I am coming around finally. They say cherry juice is good too. I have some food upstairs but I did manage to get downstairs briefly today to pick up a dreaded letter from the Government about the help I get from the State. For now all is well but everything is changing and for many of us not for the better.

Its political but the present Government though they did get into power many were surprised (even they were)and many are scared what they have planned. They are not well liked but we have another 4 years before there is any hope that things will change.

Many questions have been asked about the last election in 2015. Including the media coverage, newspapers and polls that may've influenced the result but we are where we are. We now have someone leading the main opposition party who is probably close to your Bernie Sanders and the party is taking a different view on many issues. The governing power and PM is more like Trump/Bush. I tend to live for the day.

I have some food upstairs, a kettle, slow cooker and a toaster but if I continue to improve I'll get back into the kitchen again.

22 February 2016 at 22:15  

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