A Weekend Of Being Out And About...
I made it to the Sunderland illuminations on Friday. I left home early because to be honest I was unsure how the public transport would be. Now that I know its quite easy and could leave later next time. I know which buses to get and where.
I found a shopping mall near the bus station so I was able to fill in time and stay warm waiting for it to get darker.
I have never been in that shopping mall before. I can count how often I have been to Sunderland on one hand. A reasonable selection of shops and two food outlets if you need to do some food shopping before coming home.
They have seats in the mall but something I have never ever seen in any mall...not just bench type seats but couches that are soft and comfortable and your body sinks into. So I was quite happy filling in time and just people watching.
The weather stayed fine. If it was cold my choice of clothes meant that I did not feel it. I had gloves/hat/jumper/scarf/thermals and heavier coat. I changed accordingly.
The illuminations and small fun fair was held in part of Sunderland known as Roker Park. I have discovered another beach that may be nice to visit in the Summer. Or even spend time looking out to see in the Autumn. The park is a little small but pleasant enough. The main theme of the illuminations were Alice in Wonderland.
I can't use many of the images but here are a few. The last were like dancing flowers and trees in a lake and had various combinations of colours and sequences. And the images were reflected in the water.
Coming home I found the bus back to the bus station was only running half hourly and because many were full I was concerned that I may not connect with the bus back to Durham and then home.
Luckily I did. A slight scare on a road between some towns and not very well lit and the bus was travelling at speed. The driver had to slam on his brakes. It was a wide road and as far as I know there was nothing behind us so he could've waited but a man decided to run across the path of the bus. He was wearing very dark clothing too. We missed him but how I will never know.
The safety of the passengers, the driver and him were more important but had he been hit that probably would've meant my being stuck and not being able to get home. Though it has been suggested they might've arranged something.
Sunday at 8am I suddenly decided the weather was so kind I would get on a bus and go to the Newcastle Quayside. I don't know where that idea came from. So after some 57 years that's where I headed for. If I had not been given wrong information, had difficulty finding where the buses from Gateshead's bus terminal left from I could have been there in approx 90mins. But I spent around an hour in the Interchange.
But now as I do the buses in Sunderland, I can work out the services in Gateshead. I was struggling a little walking about but next time I can use the little shuttle service to my advantage, I was able to sit and watch the River Tyne and if I pick a different day it may not be as busy. There was a little market on the Quayside. I've often heard of it but never been there before. I happened to mention it had taken me 57 years to get there. On twitter they said they hope that I will return soon. They found me.
I got up close to some of the bridges and the shuttle bus even goes across the Swing Bridge. If I had not been coming home for the bingo in the evening I could've stayed a little longer. The weather was pleasant and warm so I was able to wear lighter clothing.
I found a stall selling socks at very good prices(a good variety too)twelve pairs for £5 so I purchased some thermal socks for Winter and some ordinary cotton socks for anytime. That's 24 pairs for £10 making them around 41p a pair. I can pay £1 or more for socks. The last Thermal pair cost me £2.50 and they were on offer. They said don't leave it another 57 years and if I did they won't be there.
By chance as I waited for a bus from the quayside back to the bus station I saw the following on the windowsill of a building which seemed to be keeping pigeons at bay(I assume that's why it is there)
I will return again and try and see the quayside when its dark and the bridges and river are illuminated. I do believe the quayside is nearer to the city centre than at first appears so I could probably catch a bus into the city and still get home quite easily.
Well I better shave, dress and have a quick breakfast in case I get a quick call and have to leave for my friends home.
I found a shopping mall near the bus station so I was able to fill in time and stay warm waiting for it to get darker.
I have never been in that shopping mall before. I can count how often I have been to Sunderland on one hand. A reasonable selection of shops and two food outlets if you need to do some food shopping before coming home.
They have seats in the mall but something I have never ever seen in any mall...not just bench type seats but couches that are soft and comfortable and your body sinks into. So I was quite happy filling in time and just people watching.
The weather stayed fine. If it was cold my choice of clothes meant that I did not feel it. I had gloves/hat/jumper/scarf/thermals and heavier coat. I changed accordingly.
The illuminations and small fun fair was held in part of Sunderland known as Roker Park. I have discovered another beach that may be nice to visit in the Summer. Or even spend time looking out to see in the Autumn. The park is a little small but pleasant enough. The main theme of the illuminations were Alice in Wonderland.
I can't use many of the images but here are a few. The last were like dancing flowers and trees in a lake and had various combinations of colours and sequences. And the images were reflected in the water.
Coming home I found the bus back to the bus station was only running half hourly and because many were full I was concerned that I may not connect with the bus back to Durham and then home.
Luckily I did. A slight scare on a road between some towns and not very well lit and the bus was travelling at speed. The driver had to slam on his brakes. It was a wide road and as far as I know there was nothing behind us so he could've waited but a man decided to run across the path of the bus. He was wearing very dark clothing too. We missed him but how I will never know.
The safety of the passengers, the driver and him were more important but had he been hit that probably would've meant my being stuck and not being able to get home. Though it has been suggested they might've arranged something.
Sunday at 8am I suddenly decided the weather was so kind I would get on a bus and go to the Newcastle Quayside. I don't know where that idea came from. So after some 57 years that's where I headed for. If I had not been given wrong information, had difficulty finding where the buses from Gateshead's bus terminal left from I could have been there in approx 90mins. But I spent around an hour in the Interchange.
But now as I do the buses in Sunderland, I can work out the services in Gateshead. I was struggling a little walking about but next time I can use the little shuttle service to my advantage, I was able to sit and watch the River Tyne and if I pick a different day it may not be as busy. There was a little market on the Quayside. I've often heard of it but never been there before. I happened to mention it had taken me 57 years to get there. On twitter they said they hope that I will return soon. They found me.
I got up close to some of the bridges and the shuttle bus even goes across the Swing Bridge. If I had not been coming home for the bingo in the evening I could've stayed a little longer. The weather was pleasant and warm so I was able to wear lighter clothing.
That last image is of the popular entertainment venue The Sage. Sadly though prices are quite reasonable because of the times many shows end I cannot get home. So its not a venue I frequent.
I found a stall selling socks at very good prices(a good variety too)twelve pairs for £5 so I purchased some thermal socks for Winter and some ordinary cotton socks for anytime. That's 24 pairs for £10 making them around 41p a pair. I can pay £1 or more for socks. The last Thermal pair cost me £2.50 and they were on offer. They said don't leave it another 57 years and if I did they won't be there.

By chance as I waited for a bus from the quayside back to the bus station I saw the following on the windowsill of a building which seemed to be keeping pigeons at bay(I assume that's why it is there)
I will return again and try and see the quayside when its dark and the bridges and river are illuminated. I do believe the quayside is nearer to the city centre than at first appears so I could probably catch a bus into the city and still get home quite easily.
Well I better shave, dress and have a quick breakfast in case I get a quick call and have to leave for my friends home.
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