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Friday, October 23, 2015

That Friday Feeling...

Just been outdoors to get the wheelie bin ready...its B***** cold out there! But though not exactly warm indoors I've known it to be colder and the contrast means I still do not need to put the heating on...just yet!

Two days late and I am on for the trip to see the illuminations near Sunderland. Rucksack is packed with a salad, camera and with various warm clothes in case its chilly this evening being that I am on the coast. I'll wear a warmer coat and if that works I can forget about the extra stuff I have taken.

My meds have been taken(but I shall take some painkillers before I leave and have some with me(just in case)

We're talking of roughly a two hour trip in both directions. In a car that could probably be reduced to an hour or slightly under. Once on the bus I can rest, have a snooze and I find that the time passes quite quickly but if I want to go I have no choice, that's how long the journey is

Even if I'm back late I may have a lamb stew when I am home...I say stew, you could treat it as a home made chunky soup.

My friend's Father is still in hospital and if I haven't said he was moved to a larger hospital further away from home. Tomorrow so he can be visited by his wife and family I am spending the day with my friend. Lately he's been OK for a couple of hours alone but this will be longer. I am having my dinner whilst there too. I am assuming its fish and chips with it being delivered.

Next weekend its my Friend's Mum's 80th Birthday and a party is to be held at a local venue has been arranged(assuming that it can still go ahead)

Did I say(I probably have)I am thinking of getting a compost bin for my garden and fresh food waste then I no longer need worry about having to get it taken away. That will be my next "big" purchase. I want a saw too. I have decided to get rid of two shrubs in the garden and when chopped down I'll treat them with some kind of killer to finish them off.

I will have a rest until this afternoon now and then make my way. I dare not stay longer than 21.30 as I may not get home.


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