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Perhaps you'll learn more about me as you read my blog. For anyone who translates my blog using the translator facility, don't forget if you wish to read the comments in your own language to click on the title of the post down the left hand side otherwise they will remain in english. Also I assume that the translation is accurate but I don't know, so please allow for errors.

Monday, October 26, 2015

Fortunate That I Am Able To...

I was seriously at a loss what to get someone for their 80th Birthday. They don't need clothes and items for the house. I am a friend but I don't want to spend too much nor look like a miser. I broached the subject and it turns out she likes flowers, So that's what we've decided upon. And whilst at the florists they persuaded me to also have a box of chocolates given with the flowers. They will be delivered to her home. I also purchased a birthday card.

By chance I had a win at the bingo last evening and a win on a Domino card so that meant the evening was free. And therefore the money I won has all but paid for everything and the little that was left over paid for this afternoons Bingo Session and I did not use a taxi for going there and back home. So I was only 30p out of pocket.

I have to tell of my exploits since Friday and hopefully post images. I hope to post something very soon.


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