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Wednesday, April 08, 2015

A Bad Night...

Restless sleep, painful joints. Not in the best frame of mind. Throwing myself into some tasks. Then I may go and see my friend for the afternoon(I was invited over)but I can't stay that long because I have to catch a bus to see a concert I booked months ago and I must try and stay in the right mood for what I expect to be a special night.

The concert is given by American songwriter/performer Jimmy Webb who has written many songs for some of the most popular singers of the last 50 decades including Glen Campbell.

Update:I was cooked a small tea by the Mum of my friend before going to Durham for the concert. I don't know if I was feeling better or painkillers had kicked in but even if I was slow I was not in as much pain walking to and from bus stops. Or to and from the theatre. And I arrived with plenty of time to spare,

The image I took at the concert was washed out sadly but as I'd missed a bus home and I knew Jimmy was going to meet the audience after the concert and sign/sell CD's I hung on and took some photo's. I could've taken loads but settled on three or four. He was very approachable and had time for everyone but I just took my photo's and left. He was on stage for almost two hours without a break. I like all kinds of music but wasn't too keen on the opening act, Jimmy would've been enough.

Then again, the opening act was on a hiding to nothing considering that for some reason though there was a selection of guitars on stage none of them could get a signal to the mixing desk in the theatre and in the end an electric guitar had to be used to accompany the vocalist and I assume the set would've sounded different had different types of guitar had been used.

A master class of how to entertain with stories and peppered with songs from his vast repertoire. There were only four or five people in the bus station when I finally got there but it filled up when it was time for various buses to take us to our various locations. We had a couple of interesting people(the worse for wear)one lady was sat slumped bent over and another lady who'd had far too much to drink decided to sit down next to her and insisted on talking to her.

Another story I have no idea how it will end and whether it was true but an older lady carrying a Tesco Shopping bag asked if I phone the police because she was claiming that she had been raped at a neighbouring town so I started to take her to the security office at the bus station when a police officer happened to walk into the station and he took over. She didn't appear to be confused or under the influence of drink or drugs.

He took the lady outside to talk and not long after she started to cry. Eventually, she was put into his police car and he went somewhere whilst his female colleague kept her company. It was at least half an hour before she was allowed into the police car. Around 45 minutes after I had spoken to her and I was on my bus to come home he appeared from somewhere and went back to the car. I had earlier heard her say that she wanted to go to hospital to be examined.

What a way to end the evening...My bus dropped someone off approx two minutes outside of Durham and then there was only me on it for the journey back to my town approx 13 miles and 40 mins away. I was home around Midnight and realised that I had forgotten to pick up my computer magazine so popped in Tesco's for that and now I'm home ready for bed so I will have a little read and have a milky mug of coffee. Listen to the radio a little(The BBC World Service)


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