Wasn't Worth It!
Went train spotting(sort of)on a bridge with such high walls I could barely see over them. The Tornado steam train took approx 30 seconds to pass and we had to wait for 90 minutes for it to appear because those I was with left so early. It took two hours to get there and my companions wanted to go into a pub for a drink and possibly a meal afterwards. The price of the meals/sandwiches were too expensive even for them. Probably for many in reality. My pint of coca cola cost me around £3.20! I contributed towards the petrol but I'd do that anyhow.
Who got the best deal?
They went settled on a pack of sandwiches from a service station in the end.
I'll get my money back by being frugal in other ways...
The plan was to be in Durham watching a brass band contest and had to be away by 9.40am to achieve that. But I awoke late. Looked out the window and the sky doesn't look promising. Also tired. An hour later I made the effort and thought I'll go for it. Even if I miss approx an hour of the event. Got my new chair out to take and something to eat. Then called it off again.
And now I have one more chance otherwise I really must call off the trip for good. Besides, next weekend is the big one...The Miners Gala on Saturday and Sunday lots of street entertainment both in Durham and a few regular events during the week.
Think I shall pass up on today and just get dressed/shaved. Do a little tidy round and put something up for my bingo club tonight.
And listen to the radio shows I associate with Sunday.
Update:The rain held off so perhaps I could have after all but I am tired so the best idea was staying at home. My hedge has been trimmed so not a total waste of a day...
Update 2:Since the above I heard that there had been rain had I headed out and we did get the tail end of it here and thunder and lightening was thrown in for good measure.
Who got the best deal?
They went settled on a pack of sandwiches from a service station in the end.
I'll get my money back by being frugal in other ways...
The plan was to be in Durham watching a brass band contest and had to be away by 9.40am to achieve that. But I awoke late. Looked out the window and the sky doesn't look promising. Also tired. An hour later I made the effort and thought I'll go for it. Even if I miss approx an hour of the event. Got my new chair out to take and something to eat. Then called it off again.
And now I have one more chance otherwise I really must call off the trip for good. Besides, next weekend is the big one...The Miners Gala on Saturday and Sunday lots of street entertainment both in Durham and a few regular events during the week.
Think I shall pass up on today and just get dressed/shaved. Do a little tidy round and put something up for my bingo club tonight.
And listen to the radio shows I associate with Sunday.
Update:The rain held off so perhaps I could have after all but I am tired so the best idea was staying at home. My hedge has been trimmed so not a total waste of a day...
Update 2:Since the above I heard that there had been rain had I headed out and we did get the tail end of it here and thunder and lightening was thrown in for good measure.
Your companions were nice to take you, and if someone's nice enough to take you in your car, for a day out to a place where you ordainarily wouldn't be able to get to, then you have to be prepared to arrive/depart when they want, even if you did contribute to petrol.
If I'd gone out of my way to take you in my car on a trip I thought you'd enjoy and knew you couldn't get to that place yourself, only to find out on here that you were moaning (however subtly) about the times I set off and that I'd wanted to go into the pub for a drink, I'd never invite you on such a trip again.
You do come across as very ungrateful on here sometimes, of what some people do for you.
No it wasn't meant to come across that way...sorry if it did. They were unhappy too and felt let down too. And it was literally a race down or is that up the motorway.
We did not know that the location chosen would be so disappointing.
The contribution to petrol I do automatically but I am unsure if I over contribute. Its difficult in that I don't want to under contribute.
As for being ungrateful, I often do things for others and don't expect or want anything in return. I would not say here what I do, that would sound as bad.
An example? And I am not saying this because I want praise or to look great but I am standing the cost of a £15 theatre ticket for a friend and taking him to a show I know he'll enjoy, he would not go without me nor would not know about it.
In truth we are going to another show later in the year.
I am also taking him to(if my health allows)an air show later this month.
As for the trip on Saturday the only thing I actually was happy to avoid was the meal we might've had. I wasn't hungry but I do realise its a social thing.
I have ample food at home already and I can rustle a meal up very quickly. One friend was going to have a meal, then go home and eat a chicken curry that was waiting for him.
And another example of doing something for nothing is the buffet every week at the bingo group. It started off for 5 people and now often serves upto 13. And I even include someone that is there on her own.
I don't have to but I always try to include some kind of treat at the end. Last night it was chocolate cake.
Not forgetting like many I try to donate to raffles/charities/foodbanks. I am grateful for kindness that has been shown to me.
When I read your post I thought exactly the same as the first commenter - you sounded very ungrateful for being included in this trip out.
In fact, often when you mention going out with a companion, you don't sound happy with how the day has gone (they wanted to eat out, they walked too far...). Perhaps you are more comfortable going out on your own. People aren't mind readers, if you don't speak up and say you need a rest, for example, how are they to know?
You've been on several train spotting trips, so you know by now that your companions will want to eat out. So either you don't go if this is a problem, or you just say you aren't hungry...most people aren't that interested in what others choose to eat.
You've tried to justify your criticism of your companions in the comments, but you are again using subtle criticism.
"One friend was going to have a meal, then go home and eat a chicken curry that was waiting for him."
What business of yours is it how much he eats?
If I was one of your companions I would be very hurt that you were discussing me in such a way online, when I'd thought you would enjoy the trip out. If you don't enjoy them, don't go.
At least I am honest and I could avoid putting thoughts down or publishing comments that criticise what I write but as you see I have not done so.
I don't care what others eat or how much and no usually they don't bother. As I said on this occasion it was too expensive for everyone.
"We" did enjoy the day...we were all disappointed with the difficulty in seeing what we had gone for...we normally do ok and we will in the future no doubt.
I do speak up and if I am struggling I do take rests and/or apologise if I slow others up.
And I always thank anyone who includes me in their plans or thinks of me but whatever I say won't change opinions of me. I can live with that.
Hopefully I will be posting some positive blog entries in coming weeks with images if anyone is interested.
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