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Tuesday, July 08, 2014

Things Are Going Quite Well...

Not that I am doing anything classed as exciting and its much the same as what others do day in day out(that's not a complaint)just in case that is misinterpreted.

The weather isn't too bad*...I had some small wins at the bingo yesterday afternoon and found a few bargains on the way home from it at the supermarket. Had a nice sleep, relaxed listening to the radio. And made simple food making ham, tomato and lettuce sandwiches.

Tried contacting someone at the Housing Association to discuss alterations later in the year. I will try again tomorrow. Gardener is coming on Sunday so that will be in hand and the Durham Miner's Gala on Saturday.

Will enjoy the music club tonight and I have a donation of a bottle of wine for the raffle. And to cover my short holiday in early August pay my rent for the next month.

Next week I have another check up at the hospital. And if all I well that day I have an event to take a friend to in the evening which we may get some images of but its an open event so we have to hope that the weather stays fine.

*The weather has been very bad further North with transport disrupted and many areas flooded. Even a hospital asked that people stay away from A&E if at all possible. We have got off lightly again.

Update:I bit the bullet and walked over to a clothes alteration place and en route passed the first home I briefly lived in when we moved here(why we moved I am unsure as it is a nice area and a good solid house)I would guess we're talking of around 55 years ago. Too late to ask now.

I took a coat for replacement of a zip. It turned out only the zip head needed replacing. The repair cost me the grand sum of £1. But being shattered I made a call from a phone box and hailed a taxi. So that cost more than the repair and added another £4. But the ride home was welcome. It was still a bargain as I thought the whole zip may need replacing. The coat is too good to throw away and I found it in a charity shop just over a year ago and it cost me £1. Its great when you find a retailer that you can trust and does not charge more just because they can. A good day so far...


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