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Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Sunday Went Well...

But unlike last year the performances of the bands in Durham were more difficult to see because in the Market Place they all performed in the same spot between some seats and and therefore people sitting on the others available could not see them too well and when other people crowded around the bands that made it even more difficult to see.

And people do not think and suddenly turn up, take up a position in front of people who have already staked their place and then they are unable to see. Then you have the photographers with massive lenses who get in the way and as long as they get their images ok they could care less about others watching or taking photo's but in a more considerate way. Also some sit down or choose a place that does not block views. Perhaps more stewards/volunteers are needed but that adds to the cost.

Last year the bands were more in the centre of the Market Square and everyone watching formed a kind of outer circle. Too late the best place to view I discovered was in the area outside of the Gala Theatre which is known as Millennium Place. So I may head that way if I am able to attend next year.

It was still fun and worth being there...the weather threatened to turn again and there were a few spots of rain but most of the day it stayed fine, warm and sunny.

Jazz In Your Pants

Oompah Brass

Kolektif Istanbul shelter under Durham Town Hall's balcony when there was some rain

From France and performing on Framwellgate Bridge, Les Bomb 'Zatomik

Beat n Blow from Berlin, that cup and saucer on the speaker didn't survive very long

The New York Brass Band from...York

Jaipur Kawa from India...I missed seeing them perform in Durham but saw them in a bandstand, they also had a juggler(he juggled balls, knives and spinning tops)and a dancer too...

There was some comedy too from Frida and Rita the Dinnerladies and The PE Teachers at Spennymoor(the same duo played both)who interacted with children and adults alike.

Finally there was the Funky Style Brass from France. I saw them in Spennymoor and Durham but they were hidden by the crowds in Durham

Remember my problem of having a meal? I did not put anything up as I thought I would wait until I came home...well a well known supermarket had a kind of fish and chips takeaway meal reduced mid afternoon(enough for two people)and it cost...50p(85c) Too much that I had to throw some of it away. I wish I had some ketchup or salt/vinegar with me just to add a bit more taste but it was unexpected and I don't usually carry condiments around with me.

I was tired when I finally came home but I managed to see most of what I planned to...


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