A New Day...
Talk about taking it easy...I slept like a top. I was cosy and back into the groove sleeping through the night
though I believe in sleeping or staying awake when I wish to, just as I do with mealtimes.
Now debating when to make the effort to go to Durham for the Christmas weekend, missed yesterday and doubt that I will be there tomorrow so this is the big day.
An hour ago when it was dark and I was sleepy I thought midday to be early enough. But now I am thinking perhaps I'll leave a little earlier.
I may take my shopping trolley and ruck sack. There are numerous food markets and music performers in the town. The main market on the Cathedral Green I may not go into because instead of depending on sales, I think it costs approx. £3.50 just to go into the marquee.
Thinking about yesterday...was I unfair about the concert? They were doing their best and after all they are not professionals. The choir apologised for being smaller than they hoped. But its just they quite often missed the mark and sounded off key, sometimes their timing was off but I think the problem was probably caused by the accompanying pianist.
Then again I appreciate the work and time that they put in to the show and I am sure that most who attended in the audience went away having had an enjoyable hour. It was well attended for a daytime concert too.
I think for many it was probably a change to their daily routine and gave them something to look forward to, get into some company and out of the house perhaps they are usually isolated. I felt a mixture of affection, sadness, admiration for all attending because I could imagine the lives these older people in the community are living as they become older. Not sure I am explaining myself as clearly as I am trying to.
I found myself(and this will mean nothing to anyone who does not watch the TV series or lives out of the UK)resembling a character in the TV series "Hebburn" who is in a wheelchair(its the only way that I can identify who she was like)in both appearance and attitude. In need of care but not easy to deal with, also says what she thinks even when inappropriate. Also sometimes a little too loud, the choir happened to sing "In the bleak midwinter" and just before they started she said "I don't like that song" Oh dear. I did not get the impression that she was not mentally alert.
In the programme the characters are caricatures but amazing how close they can be and are based on truth and that's why they work.

Now debating when to make the effort to go to Durham for the Christmas weekend, missed yesterday and doubt that I will be there tomorrow so this is the big day.
An hour ago when it was dark and I was sleepy I thought midday to be early enough. But now I am thinking perhaps I'll leave a little earlier.
I may take my shopping trolley and ruck sack. There are numerous food markets and music performers in the town. The main market on the Cathedral Green I may not go into because instead of depending on sales, I think it costs approx. £3.50 just to go into the marquee.
Thinking about yesterday...was I unfair about the concert? They were doing their best and after all they are not professionals. The choir apologised for being smaller than they hoped. But its just they quite often missed the mark and sounded off key, sometimes their timing was off but I think the problem was probably caused by the accompanying pianist.
Then again I appreciate the work and time that they put in to the show and I am sure that most who attended in the audience went away having had an enjoyable hour. It was well attended for a daytime concert too.
I think for many it was probably a change to their daily routine and gave them something to look forward to, get into some company and out of the house perhaps they are usually isolated. I felt a mixture of affection, sadness, admiration for all attending because I could imagine the lives these older people in the community are living as they become older. Not sure I am explaining myself as clearly as I am trying to.
I found myself(and this will mean nothing to anyone who does not watch the TV series or lives out of the UK)resembling a character in the TV series "Hebburn" who is in a wheelchair(its the only way that I can identify who she was like)in both appearance and attitude. In need of care but not easy to deal with, also says what she thinks even when inappropriate. Also sometimes a little too loud, the choir happened to sing "In the bleak midwinter" and just before they started she said "I don't like that song" Oh dear. I did not get the impression that she was not mentally alert.
In the programme the characters are caricatures but amazing how close they can be and are based on truth and that's why they work.
Hi, haven't commented for a long time but I always try to catch up with your blog. Dreamed of getting away from London for long time so interested to see what life in North East like. Only been to Durham once but loved it and very jealous when I read about your visits there. Pleased to see how much you've been getting out during the year and you sound so much better than this time last year. Streetlights have been on my mind lately. I live in an area where most of the houses are Victorian but council has been dismantling original Victorian lamp posts and putting new ones up which I always thought was such a shame. Didn't think to google it before reading your recent post but have now found that other locals are also unhappy about it. Also must say that although I and my family are all vegan your consumption of vegetables and fruit puts us to shame. Your diet is very impressive and I've been wondering if I should get a slow cook pot. Susan
Susan its good to hear from you :-)
If you like tales of Durham there's a big post coming up very soon...today was a really good day and I feel really upbeat.
There are some lovely places I am sure you'd love to visit in the North East and you know what there are many places even I have not visited myself.
I am quite into the environment and originally could understand the argument about light pollution and not seeing the night sky but on safety concerns alone, these new ones are not good.
And I can quite understand your feelings if the loss of the Victorian lamp posts are changing the character of your area.
I will return to food again...my meat intake is not that great and it is small in comparison to what else is on the plate.
A slow cooker, they are so inexpensive to run and cheap to buy that if you found that it is not for you, you won't have spent much.
You can do much more than stews/casseroles. They are called slow cookers but I have had meals cooked within 3-4 hours. And with a timer you can have them switch on whilst you're out, if they are on for hours, they don't dry out.
I really should put more images on the blog. All things for the future.
Thanks Susan x
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