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Wednesday, June 26, 2013

So OK I Admit That I Gave In And Shopped...

But when you manage to get packets of watercress and mixed salad for approx 35p, strawberries for £1 and a Rainbow trout worth £5 for 69p...who wouldn't? Another Supermarket is selling grapes for 49p(worth £1)this week so again why wouldn't you?

I had a salad earlier and having seen a recipe on line and as I had some in the cupboard I added some tuna to my salad and enjoyed it. So I have purchased some more cans, also some cans of salmon(Ok I purchased Pink as opposed to Red)but its still alright.

Tuna is low in calories, high in Omega3, can help reduce bad cholesterol and is a good source of protein. I haven't had any fish for quite a while...

I'm thinking of having the Rainbow Trout on Friday and will try and choose something nice to go with it.


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