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Sunday, July 28, 2013

Is It Really Sunday Night Again...

yep, its my little night out, its a little bit like the old fashioned working "mens" club which I used to hear of years ago...a drink or two(well, usually for me now its a tonic water)a game of bingo(oh dear)a pub quiz, a kind of card game and a fills approx 3 hours, why do the turns sing so loud?

I always take my ear plugs now...I had them yesterday at the airshow...I had taken them out when the last airplane performed...good grief that shook you to pieces with a roar to match...

Officially, nothing planned for this week but will see if I can find something to do. I have a musical lined up for next weekend with the story/music of Glenn Miller called Bugle Boy that's sneaked up on, weather and transport permitting there are a few things happening on the Sunday so next weekend could be interesting.

Not sure if I dare take any images this time as I will be seen as I am only three of four rows from the stage so cannot hide...when the Osmonds do their show in October I wonder how many will ignore that rule?

I'm tempted to contact them and ask if no flashes are used and you don't affect others by obstructing their view will they allow images to be taken? Then we know one way or the other. A while back some performers said it was ok to do so.


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