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Tuesday, July 23, 2013

I Made The Effort To Watch Some Television...

In the lounge last night to save some Internet usage and then wish I hadn't bothered. Oh I don't hold any animosity to our Royal Family and the birth of any baby(especially for those involved)is a miracle and is precious but I settled down to watch my choice of programme to find it had been taken off air and instead it was wall to wall coverage of talk of the birth of the Royal Baby.

I don't even mind that it is talked about but we had lots of correspondents stood outside of the hospital(with no news)people standing in locations where the Duchess of Cambridge spent most of early life but news. And so it went on and on...

All we need to know for now is that a healthy baby boy weighing 8lbs 6ozs was delivered at approx 4.20pm and naturally everyone directly involved is happy. Anything else is "fluff!"

Much as I like church bells the planned bell ringing at Westminster Abbey today starting at 2pm is to last for three hours. Even that is too much for me and I am thankful I am nowhere near the Abbey.

The fact I prepared a salad and decided to eat whilst watching the programme I had chosen kept me in front of the TV longer than planned but when finished I disappeared ASAP and went back to bed...well it was after 10.30pm anyhow.

The media will keep using general terms about how delighted the population is about the news, you know the sort of thing "The whole country is happy" they're not, forgetting those who are against the monarchy whatever they do, there are many with no particular interest either way. They are ambivalent.

I also know that I will hear no one talk about it when I go shopping later or go out socially tonight.

A few important stories sneaked out but were ignored especially by the TV news which is the way many receive their news these days.

I came across a few political stories that are worrying and will affect many(I'll not go into them now)but they are still doing the same thing by issuing suspect PR surveys about the effect the Olympics has had bringing business to the UK and people taking up sport and when you start to look in greater detail the language used, the statistics are suspect but it looks good superficially. The businesses that have set up may have done so anyhow and few if any can be tied to the Olympics with strong evidence.


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