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Monday, July 22, 2013

In This Weather...

I can survive on so little. All I have eaten so far is approx half of the loaf of bread baked by Sue as seen in the previous post, some danish blue cheese spread on it with some tomato, watercress and spinach/lettuce. Nor do I feel dehydrated even though I haven't drunk much.

They say its the hottest day of the year/summer today so why do I feel cooler and more comfortable even indoors? The thermometer in the bedroom is saying 24c. So its definitely cooler.

The big news is that the Duchess of Cambridge, Kate Middleton has been admitted to a private hospital and a Royal birth is imminent. I've no strong feeling for or against royalty nor about this story. I'll concede more coverage when the baby is born and the news is announced but it has been dragged out for the last fourteen hours by the media. And there is no news. So when there is some...

It was going to happen but the big news for someone like myself who is quite into the media is that veteran broadcaster David Jacobs is to cease presenting his weekly music show on BBC Radio2. It could be his age but as I started writing this post...I know it was kept quiet(and rightly so)that he disappeared off the air approx two years ago and the lack of a reason why meant people speculated.

Even Mum and myself did. Mum liked him and his show losing her own life before he returned and never finding out why. He returned around within weeks of Mum passing away.

Today we realise just how ill David is and how well he has done to continue broadcasting. The BBC mentions that he has been treated for Liver cancer and has Parkinson's disease both serious and dibilitating.

David Jacobs

I wish him well and thank him for all the years of entertainment he has given Mum and myself.

As for BBC Radio 2 and the vacated slot I can only hope they find a suitable replacement and continue to give this slot over to a programme featuring similar music and does not use it as an excuse to drop such music from the schedule as there is little enough of it played already. I have tuned in every Sunday night for years. And the block of shows between 9pm and midnight(the others presented by Russell Davies and Clare Teal are favourites too)

Update:It's been announced another long serving radio great is having to retire due to ill health James Alexander Gordon.

TV wise another great from my childhood and early adult life has passed away but he hasn't produced any new material for years Alan Whicker.


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