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Wednesday, July 10, 2013

I Have Finally Seen The Infamous Woollen Figures...

that have received quite a lot of publicity nationally in the natioanal press and media. Who knows perhaps abroad...the following article explains much and I have posted images of some of what I found earlier today. Had time allowed I would've taken a video and perhaps will again...

Saltburn "Yarn Stormers" strike again with seaside scenes on the pier

There's all kinds of figures, teddy bears, treasure chests with jewels, lobsters, mermaids, sea shells, various sea life, fish and chips, sea gulls, fishermen catching mermaids in a fishing net and much more...


Its difficult deciding what images to post and what to leave out, I found over the road from the Ship Inn the following little building and it appears to be very old. It has been allowed to fall into disrepair or so I thought but it is obviously of historic interest, it is a mortuary. I assume it was there originally for fishermen who had lost their lives. .
Since writing the above I have found the following article and it appears that my theory is correct and you can see inside and read its history and the plans for its future.


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