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Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Wiped Out!

Been that way most of the weekend, yesterday and though its late as I post this my get up and go has done just that.

I have slept most of the time away. I did manage to drag myself briefly outdoors late Monday evening for a very small shop and thanks to my shopping trolley came home with some long life milk, jaffa cakes, wholemeal baps, onions/red onions, mushrooms, relish and for the first time in my life I have purchased some soy milk.

Later on I managed to put another salad together and used up another burger so food is not wasted. Will avoid buying anything else for the minute. Its not needed. Hopefully, later today I'll get some fruit, yogurt and some kind of topping into me for breakfast possibly some cereal too.

I may be lacking in energy but I still try to have a balanced diet.


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