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Saturday, June 15, 2013

Not A Good Night For Sleeping...

restless and in pain. More of an annoyance. Did finally get off around 5am and slept for five hours. Today I do my good deed of the day...I'd rather rest and take it easy but someone wants to look at and perhaps buy some fish from an aquatics shop for a new fish tank they have purchased and he asked me to go with him. The only good thing is at present the cost of travelling there and back is free.

I will come home and get ready afterwards and if time allows have either a salad or fruit salad. No need to cook so its nice and simple. Most of the ingredients just need washing. I've already boiled some eggs too. I have some baked potatoes already cooked that I can just heat up or have cold.

The weather(rain and wind)could be better but the pet shop and the theatre are close to the bus stops so I won't have to spend ages out in the open.

I better get myself ready as the bus arrives in approx 40 minutes...

Update:Back home...job done, he purchased some Angel Fish and Silver Sharks...plants to put in the tank, £53 lighter...him, not me.

I'm about to get washed and shaved, change my clothes, make a quick salad(no cooking)then off to the theatre. I must pay attention so I don't get lost in the plot of the story. Not good when its a murder mystery...


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