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Thursday, June 13, 2013

How Can I Go Wrong With My Diet...

They say one of the best to follow to avoid illness or staying healthy is to stick mainly to a Mediterranean diet.

As I write I have fresh raspberries, bananas, blueberries, kiwis, strawberries, cherries, apples, melon, tomatoes, swede, cabbage, olive oil, kale, carrots, rice, potatoes, onions, garlic, mushrooms, leeks, asparagus, kale, spring onions, celery, watercress, spinach, beetroot, carrots, peppers, chicken, yogurt, nuts, cheese, eggs, milk, fish and spices. There are frozen and canned items too.

Not really sure I could have much more "good" stuff to choose from. All I need is imagination and the effort to try and do something a little different or cook items in a different way. A lot of the above can also be made into meals or sandwiches without the need of cooking which is even better.

I rarely bother with cakes/biscuits/desserts...just a habit that I seem to have grown out of.

To be honest the word "Diet" has been hijacked to mean losing weight and really whatever we eat is our diet. And unless you have a medical condition that restricts what you are allowed to eat most foods will do no harm and it comes down to portion size, calorific values, exercise etc...whether you want to maintain the weight you are or lose a few lbs.

A current couple of favourite diets at present is the 5/2 diet without trying I think my diet is quite close to this one. Another is called The Caveman Diet. That diet is better to ask what you don't eat on this diet as it seems to include just about every food you can think of.


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