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Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Another Day...

I feel more positive just sorry whats happened did and still feel harshly done by. Think all will be in order or much better by next week and their visit.

Even happier that my friend mcculloch who I got to know thanks to here is willing to be there for their return visit so I have a witness and if I decide to complain will help me write my letter of complaint, that's a true friend.

Two other friends I have made through her are also offering support and help too and as said yesterday another neighbour from half a street away is also offering support too. So I don't feel quite so alone.

It is good to have contact with others and especially when you know its genuine friendship, that people want to talk with you and share your company.

I am usually quite good at sorting problems thrown my way and not a natural born worrier, the current problem seems unreal.

I can see problems financially and physically for the future but did not see this coming. I can't believe that every does not have one room which is a bit untidy or you have items that don't quite fit elsewhere because you don't use them that much. The worry is that in future I will be afraid to have anything out of place. That it could become an obsession.

There's hoarding, untidiness and a house that is a home/lived in. That has love in it or memories. Or those that never have anything out of place. But that isn't a home. I'm now unsure what they actually want.

Here are a few examples off the top of my head where a house could be untidy...what if your hobby was making models so you had bits and bobs all over the place? What if you make wine/beer and you have various bits of equipment in use at certain times? Or if you perhaps were into making crafts/jewellery/clothing etc...The way they are talking all these could be out. What about those who like to collect CD's/DVD's?

My main interests are watching TV, listening to music/radio, my computers, reading an odd book and cooking. To save money I was thinking of making my own wine/beer again(not that I drink that much)but after their visit I'd probably think twice.

I'll feel that I am constantly being judged where others may not be. That's what I disliked about those who came in supposedly to help when Mum was ill but actually added to and caused stress that was not needed.


Anonymous VQ said...

I'm so glad to hear that you have friends nearby who are in a position to offer their support.
Having someone there with you, when the next visit takes place, will make you feel so much better.
Good on you, Mcculloch!!

15 May 2013 at 15:45  
Blogger markdebby said...

It's god that someone will be with you on their next visit. Will they give you a date or will they just drop in.

15 May 2013 at 16:48  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

I'm going to lose 12 hours of tidying up time tomorrow doing my good deed of the day(Thank heavens I still have 7 days before they return and can work at night)Hope my reward is in heaven...

There is a guy who has taken to me and keeps me company at the town hall when I go to shows and keeps a seat. He is a sweet guy and has special needs...

Tonight he told me that he is appearing at The Sage in Gateshead and he gave me a complimentary ticket to see the show and support him...when I said I would go he said I was his hero and it meant so much to him and gave me a manly cuddle...what else could I do?

And he said it had made his day and as I left he said don't let me down...

So I'll go but I'll be playing catch up...I am hopeful that...I will clear the bedroom tomorrow night when I get home, Friday into Saturday the bathroom and Sunday into Monday the kitchen with approx three days to spare for a bit of polishing and dusting. And I also hope to get some plants into my planters...

Thanks to the buses I could actually be out of pocket coming home and will have to pay for a taxi so I lose out financially but win on humanity.

As long as my deed doesn't back fire...

16 May 2013 at 01:40  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

The date I have been given is the morning of the 24th May.

16 May 2013 at 05:06  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good for you! I think you made the right choice. :o)


16 May 2013 at 12:07  

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