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Saturday, March 23, 2013

Yesterday It Tried To Snow Most Of The Day...

and in many parts of the UK there have been floods and snow. Homes without power but so far my area has got off lightly. We have a slight dusting of wet snow that fell overnight.

Its still mighty cold.

You know that I eat less and have small portions and watch what I spend on food. But I have discovered that I can during the day time(and it does involve a bit of planning)now able to visit a new retail area in a neighbouring town where some shops have moved out of the town centre. And they are all within easy reach of each other so that is another option open to me.

If I get my bus pass.

Otherwise it would have to be an occasional trip because changing buses it becomes a bit expensive.

I've said before the evening bus service leaves much to be desired.

5-7 miles from my town the service is better or you can connect to other services that will take to quite a few places even up to midnight but none of them come this way.

So you can reach some locations but if you find a bus that comes my way they only do half a route, terminate and go back to the garage.

Ironically to go back to the garage they have to pass through my town or complete the route they stop half way through so they might as well offer a full journey as there is a bus using fuel, a driver its wasting resources.

The main bus company in my area is also making a big thing over new buses being introduced that use gas not petrol/diesel and lets just say I have heard that they cannot be housed like the usual buses(I forget why)and if they break down the local mechanics cannot repair them and they have call specialists in...

Wouldn't you think those problems would be sorted out first before using them?

And I suppose all fuel can be dangerous if things go wrong but just as well smoking is banned as guess where the gas is stored on the bus?

In the roof

I may have a warm meal for lunch(possibly soup seems a good idea)but yesterday as I ate my salad wholemeal rolls I realised how much I enjoy them and never tire of them.

I also had a small packet of crisps and had a custard donut, well that doesn't happen often and seeing all was quite well at my hospital appointment...why not!

I am out again tonight and thinking about things I may try a different bus route to go to Durham for my show. Trouble is the service is better from a neighbouring town but if I start to use it and numbers drop on the route that passes through my town may mean those who make decisions could cut that service back further.

I don't worry about best before dates on food but I find my bread etc...does not go stale and mouldy that often even if not put in a freezer.

And now using that test where you put eggs in water and see if they rise or sink, I find my eggs are usually ok well after the date on the carton so I am managing to make them last longer and am not wasting them by worrying if they go past the date.

Also when I boil an egg now I do a few so they are there to be used in a variety of ways and avoid having to keep putting the hob on un-necessarily. They are always ready for salads or sandwiches.

Not sure why(getting older?)my shoulder is painful and certain movements set it off. Bursitis or frozen shoulder(maybe or maybe not)I have to be careful what painkillers I use and the frequency. Then again I suppose it could be arthritis or connected to the immune system deficiency.

Managed to sleep though so that's something, hopefully it will improve.


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