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Tuesday, March 19, 2013

I Won't Say That What The Future Holds...

does not worry me but I do think what was once called Mothers Little Helper* is helping take the edge off things so that even if the thoughts are the same I don't get that feeling in the pit of my stomach.

I still feel in control and not in a kind of fog.

And further investigation suggests that I am on the lowest dosage and therefore it is not classed as an anti depressent more for panic disorders...

My bus pass should have been with me already but they have just put me on the system so it could take another 10 days(that probably means they had misplaced my application)and when I phoned they had to make an excuse. No point getting angry over it but this week I have needed to use a bus quite a lot and it would have saved me quite a lot of money.

If it arrives later I can go out but have less of a reason to...

Since Mum passed away its been easier to make coffee and I make is so weak its likely to cause few problems and I can make it go a long way. But I have started to drink tea again and once more I can make teabags go a long way, often getting 4-5 mugs from one tea bag. Honestly...

This past week I have also been managing on powdered skimmed milk £1.15($1.74)

I have been very good at not eating items that are sweet and high in sugar content. I don't add sugar to my cereal/porridge/tea only coffee and now I usually avoid sugar and use a sweetner containing Cyclamate and saccharin. The container has 1,200 and lasts longer than a bag of sugar would. No calories. I have become used to the flavour. They cost £1.40($2.11)

I am getting a bit more into my cooking again even though I still do not need to eat as much as I once did(even though I love food)and hopefully I get all my vitamins and minerals.

But I am eating more fruit, cereal, porridge, vegetables and looking to add more variety into my meals.

I think I have mentioned using my slow cooker(one of the best things ever)and having access to a couple of microwaves...they use less energy and whilst every kitchen gadget can do something another is unable to they really are energy friendly and ideal for a single person especially the newer combination microwaves. You can steam vegetables(Fresh or frozen)in a microwave and steaming keeps more vitamins in them but if you do add any water to cook them, the trick is to reuse the water in stock, soup or gravy.

This little video is quite interesting(once you get past the advert at the start...)Sometimes the video starts immediately.

Cooking vegetables in a microwave

*That was valium/diazepam. I am on Citalopram and it is used to replace/increase the chemical Serotonin.

I wonder how good we will feel after tomorrow when our Governmnet announces its budget for the next year and it is the start of Spring(with much of the UK still in the grip of cold weather)and winter drags on...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm glad the anit-depressant is helping, Gildy.

I use diazepam occasionally as a muscle relaxer for my back and the vertigo I get sometimes. It's also good for stressy days. I'm glad the citalopram is helping.

Jan :o)

25 March 2013 at 17:50  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

Thanks Jan,
I don't see it as giving in or failing. It is so mild I find it difficult to believe it is working so quickly.

I assume I'll have at least a six month course as they should not take you off them suddenly.

I feel in control but if a bad thought crosses my mind it does not dominate.

I could be(though I thought I was doing ok)sleeping better.

I was expecting my Dr to refuse but he gave in without any objection.

Diazepam is still very popular here and even Mum was on them. We got her off them but I noticed the Nursing Home put her on them again and I know they also gave sleeping tablets.

I still think it is done to make life easy for the staff much of the time. I know that is a blanket view but I know what I witnessed.

25 March 2013 at 18:02  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't see it as giving in or failing either, Gildy. You're so conscientious about it, I don't worry about that.

Yes, sadly, I think they do do that sometimes. :o(


27 March 2013 at 09:09  

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