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Thursday, March 14, 2013

I Could Keep Quiet And Say Nothing...

In general I am doing quite well but tonight I feel really down not really able to pin it to anything in particular, I guess it will run its course and hopefully leave as quickly as it came.

Oh and I have discovered I must have bumped my laptop and the casing now has a couple of hairline cracks on one corner. Luckily its still working and if it continues to I'll just accept the damage. It would cost too much to repair and it is out of its guarantee now.

I only discovered it earlier today so I don't know how recent it is.

I also discovered I forgot to attend a hospital appointment with my consultant last week, that's not like me. Will have to arrange another and hope that all is well...

Update:I attend again next week, just hope that all is ok...they will be all the usual tests to be done before then(blood/urine)weight, blood pressure etc...


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