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Saturday, March 16, 2013

Busy Day Ahead...

Unless I fall ill or some unforeseen problem gets in the way.

I have a concert to attend(booked last year)and by chance earlier in the day in the same city there is one of fifty protests/demonstrations against the introduction of  the so called "Bedroom Tax" being introduced in the UK(there are slight variations in Wales, Scotland and N.Ireland)and I hope to attend that. It is the first time that I have attended such an event.

Usually, such events have been too far away, difficult to get to or expensive. And to be blunt for many of the major events like this in the past I have not seen any publicity that would give me time to get involved. And I was too young in many cases.

I just hope the weather is kind and the event does not turn into a damp squib.

Update:I've looked out of the window to be greeted with rain, hope that doesn't affect the numbers attending too much...


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