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Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Is This Value?

Six toilet rolls, five bottles of  Ribena(500mls)vitamins and three meals to be made in a cost(£5.49)$8.30

The only good thing is that these will be stretched and last more than a few days(and the toilet rolls and vitamins)will certainly last for a month.

As always its the initial cost.

The bottles of Ribina give me an alternative to taking a flask of tea or coffee when out of the house for a while. And unless you are filling a bottle with tap or filtered water you can pay that or more for a bottle of plain water, though if you are not fussy you can get a two litres bottle(still or sparkling)for around 17p and also make up your own using various squashes.

Well, I had my blood tests taken earlier today so I hope all is well on Thursday when I see my consultant. It is always a little bit of a worry waiting to hear how things are.


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