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Friday, March 01, 2013

I've Increased My Shopping Regarding Fruit...

This time I determined to get back to eating more and not wasting it. So I have some apples, bananas, blueberries, strawberries, melon and blackberries.

I have all the vegetables imaginable and quite a bit of various meat and fish at my disposal and thankfully I still have a £10 supermarket voucher not spent that I can hang onto and £40 of gift vouchers for the chain store Marks and Spencer which I can use for their "Posh" food(I think that they were given to Mum and she never got around to using them and may have even forgotten she had them)I found them by accident.

So I should be able to continue eating reasonably well for some time to come...

As I am eating again after my recent illness...I may try and get a bit adventurous in the kitchen again over the next day or two.

At least I did not miss my theatre trip tonight and looks I am fit for the Music Club again next Tuesday which though normally free we have a guest group "Other Roads" appearing that are doing a kind of limited tour and they have decided to play "My" club on "My" town which considering the size of the venue is quite a compliment because it's not that big. But it may bring in some more people to frequent our club on a more regular bases. Tickets are £5.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

So glad you're feeling better and that you made the show! (posted more about this on the other thread)

How cool is that that they are going to be in your stomping grounds and for so little money! :o) Yay! That's a gift! Not to mention food gift certificates. Wow, manna from heaven that!

Have you tried freezing your veggies and fruits, Gildy? You might even look into canning and see if that's feasible for you. I think I'm going to...although I don't have much storage and no basement, so I have to figure where to put them. :o/


2 March 2013 at 11:30  

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