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Saturday, March 09, 2013

Mothering Sunday Tomorrow...

My first without my Dear Mum.

It would be unfair to mention him by name(he could be inundated with messages and requests)but lets just say that a priest/vicar who is on TV and radio in the UK and I have had some contact with reminded us that tomorrow is that special day and has offered to say a prayer for Mum.

It has touched me and brought a tear to my eye. That was very thoughtful of him...

If you still have your Mum and are able to tell them what they mean to you and if possible give them a cuddle. If not do have a few quiet moments and think of them.

I don't always agree with Iain Dale politically but generally he is fair and listens to other points of view but I can identitify with this post on his blog when he talks about his mother and I suspect many others can too.

I'll let his words speak for themselves.

A Difficult Mothering Sunday


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The firsts do seem to be the hardest.

You made it through another one, my friend. :o(


14 March 2013 at 06:03  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

You are right Jan,
I should be proud of myself, I bet subconciously its all to do with this time last year it was getting close to what was about to happen.

Dates and events have blured a little and are not quite as clear. I have avoided reading my posts on here that I wrote at the time. I cannot decide if they would help or open painful memories...

14 March 2013 at 06:40  

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