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Saturday, March 09, 2013

New Teeth...

Looks as though I have no choice...

I always looked after my teeth and went to the Dentists regularly and then a few years ago I found both Mum and myself were not registered. Then with Mum's illness and various other things we did not bother and well the truth is I haven't many left but I manage. Normally because all the broken ones cannot be seen but I have lost one of my front teeth and now another is in the process of breaking in half.

So I guess I will have to admit defeat and decide to have all the broken bits removed and probably the last few teeth I have of my own at the front and try to get used to wearing dentures. If I can, then again I don't have much choice. What I mean are the teeth on either side of the front teeth.

My jaw aches if I keep it open too long so they may have to put me out to do the work. I think its happened mainly due to the fact I have been told that I grind my teeth when I am asleep so that has probably caused most of the damage and probably as can happen the medication I am on...

I cannot say that I am looking forward to this...but it cannot be I'll make an appointment with my Dr next week and get his advice. It could be I need to have this done in a hospital as opposed to a Dentist. Heaven knows what dentures they'll decide for me but my Gran had them, as does my Uncle and my Father managed so I guess that I will too.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh dear. My mother always used to say 'hang on to your teeth for as long as you can'.... and she was right.
I have a little plate with three teeth on. I find it a real nuisance so don't like to wear it indoors. It's important to remember to wear it for at least a couple of hours every day because, otherwise, the gums will shrink and the denture will no longer fit. Be warned!

9 March 2013 at 08:57  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

I can't do anything about it :o( I've managed for almost five and a half decades and might have carried on a bit longer but when your front teeth go missing...

No point putting off the inevitable. I won't look the same when I smile of course...If I can afford to I'll try and go the extra mile and get some better one's...

Thanks for the advice...

9 March 2013 at 10:05  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lord, Gildy, that sounds just like me! My asthma meds have ruined my teeth.

I have the same problem with breakage on either side in the back, and I've broken the two in the front. I'm terrified to go to the dentist. With my asthma, I have a panic attack just thinking of someone with their hands in my mouth. I can barely breathe as it is! :o/

From one sufferer to another...Good Luck! :o)


14 March 2013 at 05:48  

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