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Monday, March 25, 2013

Don't Think I Said Where I Was On Friday...

watching a return visit by Richard Digance. It was enjoyable but to be honest...he had done virtually 99% of the act when I saw him in November. He said then that this show would be different and to come along...

Oh well...

There are a few more shows lined up between now and the end of June then it goes a bit quiet. I won't go to see just anything and as income gets tighter it will mean I may have spare towards paying bills/buying food or if not spent this year, if better shows are staged next year I can use it then. I know what the programme is for the two main venues I can attend for the rest of the year so unless they slip something extra special that soon ends for me.

However, I will attempt to attend the free music club on the town and the monthly shows at the town hall in Bishop Auckland. As they are only £8 and if I have my bus pass that's quite reasonable. It seems crazy but it is cheaper than the club on my town if you take in the cost of going to and from the venue(if you need to use a taxi)the cost of a drink and a strip of raffle tickets to help keep it running(paying for the room)and performers.

I ventured out yesterday just locally to the shops on town and thought just maybe the weather had improved but once you reach the bottom of my street it is very open and I hit a freezing wind and was walking into a gale and being buffeted all over the place with my shopping trolley. But being so near to the supermarket I was determined to continue.

I originally had a reason for going out...on Friday the zip on a really warm coat with hood failed as I was going to the show...various people online suggested ways to repair it and what it may cost if replaced.

One suggestion was to rub a pencil over the zip(I had no pencils)I don't use them. I managed to get ten for 40p and a pencil sharpener for 35p. It made the zip glide more easily but sadly the teeth on the zip refuse to lock. And now perhaps attempting my repairs I may have made it worse. Who knows!

The reason I say that those trying to help have all come to the conclusion that the zip will need replacing. One price quoted in another part of the country was approx £28!

I phoned a local repairer earlier today and they quoted around £13. Which is better...but then they added(and I would never have thought of this)it could be the zip head that is faulty, if that can be repaired they will do it for free or if that needs replacing it will only cost £1.

So I'll decide what to do soon and hope it is the cheaper option.

Whilst in the Supermarket I found a duck breast roast with apricot and orange stuffing reduced by half to £3. I have never ever had duck and the price they usually cost counts them out and this is very much a one off.

I hope to have some special meals over Easter.

In time I am going to look into buying perhaps a joint of lamb and/or pork. And try and afford the initial cost which puts me off, then cook it and try to slice it into realistic sized portions and perhaps freeze it so it will give many meals and may be easier to store in the freezer in suitable freezer bags or containers then perhaps the cost won't seem as bad.

I do prefer sliced meat and smaller portions to chunky cuts of meat like chops etc...

Annoyingly I still have a piece of loin pork frozen in the freezer that I can't shift and the only way I will is to defrost the whole fridge/freezer. So it will have to wait...if it ever happens...I don't fancy winding it down so it is totally empty. And I keep finding bargains to put in it.


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