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Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Shrove Tuesday Becomes Shrove Wednesday...

And an amended plan...

Stirfry and pancakes today.

Possibly the same again on Thursday(Valentines Day)as I have so many pancakes to use up and the same with the stir fry and to be honest it does not bother me having the same meal over a few days...the stir fry may differ in that I may have prawns instead of chicken and put a different topping on the pancakes.

OK I am cheating. My pancakes are already made. I am not using a home made batter, they cost no more and saved me time. I just have to warm them up and add whatever topping/filling that I wish. And yesterday I found some crepes filled with lemon and they can be done in a microwave within thirty seconds and are already rolled.

Officially I don't do Lent. I never have, so I am unlikely to start now. But the media always goes about giving something up and usually food is mentioned. It does have some connection historically/religiously. Read about it here

At the weekend I may have a slice of Pork and Stuffing Lattice which I managed to buy earlier in the week for £2($3.13)I can get 4 meals out of that easily. I also found(reduced)twelve expensive pork sausages for £2.25($3.52)instead of £5($7.83)so they'll be made good use of too.

Yes,I admit that I do enjoy my food, whether it is simple fare or on the days when I bother a little bit more. Food is my luxury and I hpe will always be so.

I have spent the last few days tidying up hard drives on my PC's which have got out of hand. I cleared almost 100GB of clutter this past day(and there is probably more I can salvage)and continue to tidy up my music files and back  them up on DVD's case a hard drive fails. I did ages and used many discs but this time they fit across 20 discs and that's almost 17,000 tunes/songs so far.


Blogger Span Ows said...

No pancakes for me this year! Now back in rainy UK though so maybe I'll have a few this week.

Just read your previous comment to me, I know Baldinio had problems as well, I think it is the new Microsoft Internet Explorer as I had a problem when using that (checking on what Paul had said) seems to freeze the page or something. Very annoying but imagine it must be a Blogger? IE issue and be fixed by some update sometime.

13 February 2013 at 13:00  

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