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Monday, December 24, 2012

Christmas Eve...

It's cold and windy outside...but still plan to venture out to church for the Service around Midnight and yet..I dozed off and woke with a start. Doing that more and more of late...

Been getting a tinge of stomach ache these past days. Enough to know its there but not enough to say I am in a lot of pain. Hope it goes as quick as it came...can't blame eating too much...

Its kind of tradition on Xmas Eve around here that Santa goes around the streets in a kind of open top van with lights and bells shouting Merry Christmas and waving. Gives a few sweets away and some children have a photo taken. He's all over the town and I think it is a free service.

Thought I'd missed him but as I walked up my street after being in the SM who should be parked virtually outside my home? But Santa who waved and shouted Merry Christmas to me too.

For a little while things seemed almost like old times and this big kid of mature years was waving back and shouting "Merry Christmas Santa" as enthusiastically as anyone. One big softie!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's wonderful, Gildy! :o)

I have neglected you horribly these past few weeks. I've been reading off and on, just haven't had much time to post. Doesn't mean you haven't been in my thoughts and prayers though!

Just wanted to pop in and tell you Merry Christmas! Hope you have a good one, my friend!

Your buddy, Jan :o)

25 December 2012 at 09:00  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

You haven't neglected me Jan,
You have a life too...

Maybe my resolution for the New Year should be to try and e-mail more and leave comments again on the site that brought us together.

But whilst I have you here...may I wish you and yours a wonderful Christmas and it is all that you wish.

I suspect all you want is your loved ones around you and a really simple one. That's all we used to.

Thanks Anthony xx

25 December 2012 at 18:14  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you, so much, Gildy!

It was very nice. We were all blessed with one more year together, good food and lots of fun watching the kids open their presents.

I'm hoping I'll be posting here more frequently, too, now that the madness is over. :oP

And if you choose to post over there you know you'll always be welcomed! I need someone I can talk Archers to! :o)


29 December 2012 at 01:16  

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