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Sunday, December 23, 2012

Back To My Usual Self?

Well, I am managing to take an interest in some TV and Radio again...I am sleeping reasonably well, when I can get comfortable.  It's funny when you have a health condition how it can vary and every day is different.

Early yesterday afternoon I had to send in some dreaded forms that may/may not see me continuing to receive the help I need from the State. Having to have a medical. I was like a 90 year old man, shuffling along and in pain and taking ages to get where I needed to go. Sorry that is unfair to some elderly who are quite fit and can give youngsters a run for their money.

I went out around 9pm to a local supermarket and though not brilliant the difference was noticeable.

Well, it looks as though I will have a festive meal on Christmas Day with all the trimmings but not necessarily Turkey, it could end up being chicken or pork. I have quite a lot of meat that I have acquired when the supermarket reduces items near their sell by date. I have even wondered if I should have fish...I have lemon sole, sea bass, salmon, tuna streak and mackerel.

I have quite a few options. Tonight I made some meatballs. Now this was done in a way I had never thought of before but I have seen a few TV cooks do this...They have been splitting sausages and taking the meat out of the casing. You know what it was only four chipolata sausages but I was amazed how much meat was in there. I'll do it again and do something perhaps more adventurous. I just had baked beans, sliced mushrooms and fried eggs...


Blogger Span Ows said...

Merry Christmas Gildy, the best you can! Best wishes, Span (David)

24 December 2012 at 19:52  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

You beat me to it!

Thank you Span. May I wish you and yours a Merry Christmas too...

I hope that I will start to read and leave comments more often in the New Year too.

Not doing too bad David...had a small salad, resting and then planning on going to a Christmas church service around Midnight.

24 December 2012 at 20:01  

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