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Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Christmas Day...

I should have continued to clear rubbish away but will do that in the next few days...TBH, I couldn't be bothered.

I took ill and was really out of it once I reached church last night, I sat for most of the service but stayed having made the effort. I felt really strange. I was disorientated. I also had a tingling sensation in my right arm and hand(thankfully not the left which is associated with heart attacks)

I did not take my communion either but will next time that I attend.

I slept best part of the night away and have most of the day. I am much improved. My first Christmas without Mum and alone but I am quite positive, not too sad and reasonably calm. I feel quite peaceful.

I have spent the day listening to the radio and found some programmes that would have pleased Mum but I don't feel sad. The music that we both loved. TV has not really served up anything special. I am sure if I had turned it on I could have been taken in and found enough to watch but again too many repeats and a lot of the light hearted shows that made Christmas special just are no longer made any more. It is all soaps and films.

I have had to re-arrange my fridge/freezer to avoid some items becoming out of date and that means I have had to let a few things save the more expensive items so I have thrown out some fish fingers, Yorkshire puddings and a bag of rice.

I have delayed my Christmas meal and kept it simple and gone for a small salad, a yogurt and a mug of coffee. But nothing will be wasted. I will probably have chicken, vegetables, potatoes and cranberry tomorrow. Perhaps followed by Christmas pudding or a mince pie. If what I have is still used next year that's OK...

I could change my mind of course and go for one of my usual stews in the slow cooker, you know... lots of vegetables. But I can cook a meal very quickly using saucepans, that way vegetables remain sepertate. Most can be cooked within 10-15 minutes and potatoes in around 20 minutes. The time can be speeded up and amount of energy reduced if I start with hot water rather than warming it up from cold on the hobs.

Update:I decided to have some of the fishfingers for supper with buttered bread and so I have not thrown out that much in the end.

Who knows what this year will bring, I hope it is not as bad as feared but I think many will find it a difficult one and many will be suffering. But at least Christmas has passed much better than I thought that it would.


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