That's Good To Know...
Our Prime Minister has been writing in a newspaper again and it's reported on the radio that he expects or shall we say, he warns us that we should not be surprised if the austere times we are living through will last until 2020. Just what we want to hear.
Is it that bad or cynically by saying this, it gives an excuse to carry out unsavory policies or before the next election, if they can so something good we'll say, that wasn't as bad as we feared and they will hope that changes into votes at the ballot box.

Is it that bad or cynically by saying this, it gives an excuse to carry out unsavory policies or before the next election, if they can so something good we'll say, that wasn't as bad as we feared and they will hope that changes into votes at the ballot box.
I have noticed that there is huge emphasis lately on the ageing population. The elderly have become the new scapegoats. How dare they live so long!?
Duncan Barkes hosted a show saying that some economic bureau which advises the government says that the only answer to our ailing economy is to have MORE immigration, or otherwise we face more tax rises, even more drastic cuts BECAUSE OF THE RISE IN ELDERLY WHO ARE LIVING SO LONG Not shouting, just emphasising where the blame is being suggested.
It seems like blackmail to me. Not something I noticed in the mainstream press, but then I don't have time to follow all news.
It seems to me that they are working up to bringing in euthanasia - not sure of the time line, and I could be paranoid (?) but I cannot help but think these things.
The wealthy elites and corps' who hold all the wealth of course have absolutely no role to play in why we are in such a mess.
It makes me angry as yet again they pull the wool over our eyes.
Is there anyone that they are not blaming or having a go at? The under 25's, the unemployed, the ill, the elderly, immigrants etc...
In one breath they say they need younger and more people to pay for the ageing population but the they say it puts stress on the local housing and services like the NHS etc...
You can't have it all ways. They also hardly mentioned that more children have been born so won't that increase the working population when they reach adult hood?
If jobs are hard to find now...there could be fewer in the future too and that could put pressure on the system.
They talk two ways...It's good that we live longer but then make you feel gulty for doing so especially if due to ill health you need to use services more.
They put the retirement age back so they don't have to pay the State pension too soon and as long etc...
And yet now they come up with this pol, if it was to work we'll be living even longer and that means we'll have to go out and work longer to support ourselves or the State has to do more.
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