So I Am Laid Here Thinking...
Why is my throat hurting when I swallow...I was ok an hour or two ago...then I thought, I had scrambled eggs with cooked ham, fried tomatoes and...some garlic bread. That's what's done it. Its caught or bruised something on the way down so lots of cool drinks and soft food tomorrow...

Just started...I have just eaten a vanilla rice pot.
Later, for the weekend I will be cooking a chicken again in my slow cooker, it's been suggested I cook it for four hours(not eight)and on the higher setting.
I will make my own again but for ease and cost, I could not do any better than buy the ready meal of sweet and sour chicken with rice which I managed to get for 95p and I can cook in the microwave in minutes...
Having said that, I can make a lot of my own comfort foods as cheap and I then know what's in them.
I boiled five eggs tonight, they are said to be ok for up to a week and I can make sandwiches or have them in salads. They were starting to get near their Best Before Date...I had three in my scrambled eggs(they are not very big)and I still have seven to use. If I can get around to doing so...perhaps I'll christen my new egg cups and have a couple of soft boiled eggs with some lightly toasted soldiers.
I was looking at some skewers to use for checking when my chicken is cooked but I don't need four or want to pay what they cost in metal nor bamboo so I suddenly thought I'll use a cocktail cheap is that!
I managed better tonight with my back pack when shopping, it wasn't as heavy and was much easier...I am slow and need to rest when I get home but it is a little bit of exercise and money saved on taxi fares either means a little more in my pocket or it is as if it's gone towards the cost of my shopping.

Just started...I have just eaten a vanilla rice pot.
Later, for the weekend I will be cooking a chicken again in my slow cooker, it's been suggested I cook it for four hours(not eight)and on the higher setting.
I will make my own again but for ease and cost, I could not do any better than buy the ready meal of sweet and sour chicken with rice which I managed to get for 95p and I can cook in the microwave in minutes...
Having said that, I can make a lot of my own comfort foods as cheap and I then know what's in them.
I boiled five eggs tonight, they are said to be ok for up to a week and I can make sandwiches or have them in salads. They were starting to get near their Best Before Date...I had three in my scrambled eggs(they are not very big)and I still have seven to use. If I can get around to doing so...perhaps I'll christen my new egg cups and have a couple of soft boiled eggs with some lightly toasted soldiers.
I was looking at some skewers to use for checking when my chicken is cooked but I don't need four or want to pay what they cost in metal nor bamboo so I suddenly thought I'll use a cocktail cheap is that!
I managed better tonight with my back pack when shopping, it wasn't as heavy and was much easier...I am slow and need to rest when I get home but it is a little bit of exercise and money saved on taxi fares either means a little more in my pocket or it is as if it's gone towards the cost of my shopping.
Sweat and Sour chicken - he he that made me giggle Anthony.
I don't know why but I cannot imagine four hours being long enough but I am fascinated and would love to hear your results.
Also what size chicken you are using.
Thanks A.
I missed that error Carol :-) Now do I put it right?
In an ordinary oven the chicken takes 75 minutes and I think it serves 2-3 people...
Perhaps it does in four hours because the heat has been increased? I'll post the weight of it when I get it out of the fridge...
It cost £2.15 and says it serves approx 3-4. I don't think I could find one smaller or an oven it takes 70mins to cook...
Apparently the slow cooker makes a lovely rice pudding - I make mine in the JML Starchef (sshhh, we may get criticized!) and it takes 1.30 hours. Very nice with a bit of jam and elmlea cream. Would be good for your foodbank!
I still would like to try some HM stuff and will again I hope, that sounds nice...
I'm writing a new post soon about my cooking and...that chicken ;-)
If you saw my recipe for home made butter, just for fun I have bought to small cartons of double cream and I am going to give it a may be some time away but I'll tell you how it goes and hopefully will get some images posted again on my blog...
Didn't you make butter from the tops of the milk at school? I did, and my children did. I thought everyone did it in primary school.
No, I have never heard of that and to be honest, never really thought about how butter was made but thought it would be much more complicated.
I continue to learn something new every day...
But Anthony,,,,surely "everyone" did it in primary!? ;)
It must of been a long time ago...and the amount made very small, unless it was all collected together.
Once made it would have to be thrown out? There would be nothing to butter and it would be warm.
That was a problem with milk in schools when you think about it, how early they delivered it and how warm it was by the time break time arrived on a morning.
Fruit juice would probably have been safer and better...
Thanks for your sarcasm Cx
I was bring serious. I can't believe that a grown man didn't know how butter was made. I came from a very working class background, but my Mum put the top of the milk and we all took turns to give the jar a good shake. It didn't make much butter, but we thought it was great because we'd made it ourselves. That was before we made it at school.
You are far too protective Cx.!! He's quite capable of looking after himself, and giving back as much as he gets, but perhaps you just want to take care of him.
Where's the sarcasm? I'd never heard of it being done at any time at my schools when milk was being given to schools. How far back are we going?
Was it common practice? Or just certain classes/schools. I mean even using the jar method they'd have to supply enough jars, clean and the butter would not last long without some where cold to put it.
It sounds more suited to the cookery classes which to som extent they shouls consider doing again as many have no idea of basic domestic science even with all the tv programmes these days...
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