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Monday, July 16, 2012

Enoch Powell...A Complicated Man...

We can look back in hindsight and access many historic documents, sound and vision media reports on historic figures and events that have shaped our world and who we are. Depending on your personal views these will colour your take on that person and event.

Even if you live through the time, you will see things differently depending on how close you were to the event at the time. So is it fair to that person that we go by soundbites where the world has had a brief glimpse of that person's life. We need a more rounded view form the parts of their lives we don't see, when they go home and close the door.

And so the BBC has been running a series of short programmes suggested by the public and then by a panel of people in the media and social sphere to come up with 60 influential people that have lived during the time that Queen Elizabeth II has been on the throne and has just celebrated the Diamond Jubilee of having ruled over the UK for 60 years.

Today the featured subject was Enoch Powell.

He'll always be remembered rightly or wrongly for speeches given regarding how he saw the future of this Island and how immigration would affect things, he was not a fan it has to be said and many of his speeches and the toe made it difficult to have a debate that did not become heated.

It all but ruined his career as a politician.

However, the last couple of sentences in today's programme struck home...someone asked him why he no longer listened to music as much as he once had, he said that it evoke longings in him and in his 80's they kind of asked the usual question what he wanted to be remembered for or what his life had meant to him...he wished that he had died during his war service(He had been shot)Obviously a sad and lonely man.

None of us ask to be born, we are here because our parents wanted a child but once we are, we have no choice but to live out our allotted time, whether it brings joy or pain. And we all know there is only one certainty. Is there an afterlife. I have always had a reasonably strong faith but to be honest at present, I have lost that and cannot see how we are going to meet up with all our loved ones or all those that have gone before. Is it only Humans that go on to the next plain? What about the dogs, cats(any animal)birds, insects, trees, plants...they've all lived. Or is it just that we have a greater intelligence? Are we the only one's with a soul.

If you listen to many scientists they will tell you a lot of what we do is due to a chemical reaction.

Even if we were in a different form. It would give me comfort to believe that is so but we knew nothing before we came, when we go into a deep sleep, we know nothing...sadly I suspect that's how it will be...though when I do go to church and pray, sing a hymn I do feel much better so if it just gives me peace then I guess it is doing what it says "On the can!" Do I feel hypocritical?

To some extent...yes. But even those who have a strong faith and are in the church as a profession and giving comfort to others, fuind themselves questioning their beliefs and their faith. They go through periods of doubt.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm a believer too, Gildy.

I think having doubts is absolutely reasonable. And personally, I don't believe that God wants us to follow blindly.

I think He expects us to live an examined life. I think it's very a personal and individual experience and relationship and your purpose is as unique as you are.

I find a lot of comfort in my faith. Not believing offers me nothing but feeling lost and alone. And how can it be bad to be kind and helpful and loving to others, which is the goal. I think we get too bogged down in the "Angels dancing on a pin" questions an forget the meat and potatoes of the thing.

No one is perfect. I think all too often we remember it about ourselves but forget it about others. Ah, but that's the part of struggle though, I suppose.

It's a huge question and there are as different answers as there are people. Who really knows? I suppose we will one day.


18 July 2012 at 12:59  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

Well, another well thought response Jan.

My nature is like yours, I am sensitive, compassionate and think of others that's what makes me who I am and that's why Mum and Dad were liked and touched others without perhaps realising even though they have not left their mark as perhaps an explorer, an inventor, an actor or whoever will and in time their name will not be uttered.

I have written that I have lost my faith and that seems so final when I see it staring back at me.

But have I really. If it gives comfort to believe what harm is it doing?

It will return I am sure, it's human to question and many scientists and Dr's that should not believe often have the strongest faith. An atheist I am not.

19 July 2012 at 03:33  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know, Gildy, sometimes I think we forget how we touch the lives of others everyday.

Your parents may not have been waving their arms up and down to be written down in the annuls of history, but they touched lives everyday and you have no idea how their kindness effected the world.

Just look at you. You and I have never met. We are half a world apart and you've affected my life.

Just because you can't see or read about the impact your life has had in the world, doesn't mean there hasn't been one.

Sometimes a kind word at the right time kind change a life.

I know I can think of times when a stranger has made a comment, either flattering or disparaging, that stuck with me and changed the way I felt about myself for a very long time. Surely we must be interacting with others on a deeper level than we realize all the time without realizing it.

I think the idea is to realize it and make those interactions as positive as possible whenever we can.

I believe every soul on this planet has made a difference to it, one way or the other. And most of the time you have no idea you've even done it.


19 July 2012 at 04:51  

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