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Friday, January 06, 2012

Whatever Caused Mum's Blip...

and resulted in her being in hospital...

Her general health must be pretty damn good.

All the vital signs blood pressure, bloods and the fact there were no infections prove that if it wasn't for the two acute conditions she has developed she is pretty fit and healthy so it is a pity these two things had to happen.

It also proves that my care must be pretty good as if they were concerned about hygiene and infections and she did not have any when tested in hospital, I am doing all the right things.


Blogger Span Ows said...

Good for you Gildy! Keep it up although in reality - if things were better - you wouldn't have to keep it up!

6 January 2012 at 12:46  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

Well, it doesn't explain what the blip was but I was right to call in the experts. It was mostly observation though.

I suspect from what I saw Mum would've come out of it herself and was just very drowsey.

Now a report has been issued and mentioned in the news suggseting that our brains start to deteriorate in our middle ages, as early as in our 40' doesn't surprise me, how we can tackle the problem that early would interest me more so that we can manage better when/if we do live to a greater age as our bodies seem to be doing and medical science(surgery/medicines)can help the rest of our bodies below the neck.

Whether that means eating more of something or we need to take a pill.

I could worry how my mental capacity will be from now on and whether the change is already happening but I better not, I'll just depress myself.

Besides none of us know how long we've got.

6 January 2012 at 13:08  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

I'll add the important aspect of this report(well the headline in the newspapers)is that you must keep your heart healthy. And avoid high blood pressure.

7 January 2012 at 10:14  

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