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Thursday, January 05, 2012

A New Day...

I wan't going to go to bed but I did and slept reasonably well.

I didn't bother to tidy the house that can be done later.

A couple of quick tasks to do...A shave...get Mum's bits and pieces together and I'll be away and it could be a long day.

Been told Mum is ok but she had a restless night so has been moved to side ward(bit vocal)so I assume would keep other patients awake. This may go against her early return home. I don't know. I was told it was nothing to worry about but my knowledge of patients moved to side wards suggests otherwise. I hope that I am wrong this time.

So see you later!

Update:Just got Mum home...there is confusion but she's much as before(and seemingly all tests came back fine)so we cannot blame an infection for the sudden change. Hopefully its temporary and she'll settle down again and an incident such as yesterday is a one off.

I assume a new appointment will be made for Mum to see the Oncologist for the cancelled appointment. I'll leave it this week and maybe get in touch and see if another can be arranged.

Mum's first request on getting home...she wants a complan.


Anonymous VQ said...

The fact that Mum asked for a Complan as soon as she got home is, surely, a good sign.
I was sorry to see that you considered not going to bed.
You must look after yourself, Gildy - for both your sakes.
You really don't deserve this extra upset but at least it sounds as if Mum is more or less back to as she was before.

5 January 2012 at 17:50  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

She has forgotten most of the time spent in hospital already but hey as she disliked being there, if you have to forget something I suppose that's not a bad thing to, she does remember with some gentle prompting.

She was asking for me as early as 7am. I helped feed her at lunchtime, just a small portion of soup and some shepherd's was a decent amount they gave(and even I could've eaten it)but I can see how some patients are unable to reach food and may sometimes give up.

5 January 2012 at 20:04  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

I did go to bed and had a really good sleep, almost slept around the clock. :-)

5 January 2012 at 20:06  
Anonymous VQ said...

You probably needed it.
Certainly deserved it!

5 January 2012 at 22:17  

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