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Wednesday, January 04, 2012

A Day I Am Glad To See The Back Of...

Well, You never know how things will work out...

This has been one of the worst days I have ever had.

There I was just after 8am I had overslept and was rushing to get Mum to see her Cancer Specialist...

Guess what we never made it!

I went to make Mum a Complan and when I returned I could not get any real response from her. All she wanted to do was sleep. Well, of course after some time I really became worried and thought Mum was having a stroke.

So we spent 5-6 hours in A&E in a different hospital with various tests being carried out and once again even that did not go smoothly(they forgot about her)and her x-rays were delayed by 2 hours.

The only good thing is that she became coherent more or less as soon as she was on the ambulance. And it would not appear that she had a stroke.

If the observation goes ok and the further tests that are planned too just maybe she will be allowed home tomorrow. She is confused but not about important things and most of the time she is still quite bright. It also depends when you catch her 99% of the time she knew she was in hospital but when a Dr asked where she was she did not know but she knew she wasn't at home.

But again they asked her as she had just woke up, never a good time to ask questions.

Most of the time she manages fine...

So we'll just have to play it by ear...they are going to test of UTI infections and other things like bloods etc...This is one time I hope they find she has something making things worse because if all is well, then there may be more serious reasons...for what happened.

So we'll see what tomorrow brings...


Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

I phoned the hospital around 10pm and was told though Mum was awake she was quite settled and they sent a message from me to her that hopefully she'll remember and will calm her through the night and I'll be there again in the morning (If she's still on the same ward)thankfully its an open visting plan so you can spen more or less all day there.

I'm taking the mp3 music player so she can listen to music whilst I am there via the head phones(It is so quiet and she misses the music)I can understand peace and quiet is important to recovery but if you are awake and nothing is happening you just get bored and probably sleep the hours away. I did not get the chance to take her handbag/make up or clothes because we were in such a hurry.

Mum still takes an interest in her appearance so that's a good sign...

4 January 2012 at 23:31  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I do hope your Mum improves , & they find out why she's so drowsy.

5 January 2012 at 01:17  
Anonymous Nicodemus said...

Thanks for the update. Let's hope that that the cause of your Mum's confusion and other symptoms is UTI, or fungal infection, etc.

But whatever the diagnosis - if any - the affection between you can still continue. You're both blessed to have that closeness.

5 January 2012 at 01:32  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

Thank you. I hope that they get some answers.

And I hope unless they find some problem connected to the cancer Nicodemus(Good to know that you are still out there)

As things stand we do indeed have that closeness which will continue and when it becomes more difficult I hope and believe nothing will change that from my own side.

Should she did not know me, yes it will hurt but not for the obvious reason that many in a similar situation give as I know its something Mum has no control over and I will still do all that I am able to.

I know as things are she keeps telling me how much I mean, she says that she will never forget me so I can see she is doing all she can not to forget and yesterday she made it clear to all the professionals, the care I give and how I look after her.

I'm not saying that because I want praise but she is making it clear how feels whilst she is able.

And she said as I left her "that my love is all around you!"

What more can anyone ask?

A miracle would be nice but I'll take what I am able.

5 January 2012 at 05:41  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

Ive been told that she has been moved onto a side ward as she had a restless night and was quite vocal but they say not to worry but from past experience people moved onto a side ward it usually means bad things. I hope not in this case.

5 January 2012 at 10:15  

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