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Sunday, November 20, 2011

In The Middle Of The Night...

I sometimes make Mum a drink. Tea, coffee, milk, fruit juice or water is usually easy as I have all that I need upstairs but sometimes I have to nip downstairs.

Whatever can go wrong will and last night seemed to be one of those nights. At 3am I managed to knock over a bottle of lemon juice and managed to clean up the glass and liquid and just started to pop some items I had found had passed their sell by date into some carrier bags to put in the wheelie bin later.

I of course managed to pick one up with a big hole in the bottom and placed a big glass jar of Dolmino tomato sauce for use in cooking and it smashed on the floor and I had to start all over again cleaning up glass and a horrible gooey mess. I can think of better things to be doing at that hour.

They say things happen in three's I hope that is not the case and that's the last accident for awhile.

(Of course three accidents did happen...)I'd forgotten that some hours earlier I had spilt some dry spaghetti over the kitchen floor. I will have to vacuum some of that up later as I keep trailing bits of spaghetti everywhere.


Anonymous VQ said...

Awww. What a shame.
You have so much on your mind and that is when accidents happen.
Also, you are probably over-tired.
Let's hope that the not-quite-so-early starts, this coming week, will make all the difference.

20 November 2011 at 15:28  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

Yes, its dull and misty here today and can't say we've had any sunlight to speak of and I have to admit we're listening to a favourite music show on a local BBC radio station that sounds as though when the savings the BBC have to make will be taken off air.

Its a pity as it plays music rarely heard on national radio or other stations(BBC/commercial)and when they decide to share output I have a feeling we'll hear what we hear anywhere.

At present I have my flare back for cooking meals again and think even if I was alone I probably could still bother do something a bit special even for myself.

But we haven't come to that and I'm not looking that far ahead.

That may be the reason for the accidents VQ or me not bothering to pay attention.

I am still hoping/thinking there is an improvement after Mum's week of treatment.

Just those little things but the trouble I then start to think a little extra session or two might improve things still further(as many who travelled in with us are about the same age/older than Mum)and they are having weeks of treatment rather than just five days.

I say five days, each session was probably less than a minute or two and the rest of the time was getting Mum in the right position.

But they say the treatment will continue to work for the next few weeks whilst Mum is home so its not finished yet!

20 November 2011 at 16:41  

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