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Thursday, November 10, 2011

Anecdotal Stories...

Most of the stories we relate can only be anecdotal unless you can show documentary proof or you are able to record sound or take a photo/video of something.

Often when someone says that they know of someone who is getting help from the Government in benefits but they are working or doing something that means that they are not entitled to it is very suspect in my view.

There are many tales of genuine people not going out because they are afraid of the reaction they'll get from some or are afraid to do a little bit of pottering about in their gardens in case someone says if you can manage to do that, you should be working.

People don't always look ill, people have conditions that fluctuate. There are so many reasons why someone is unable to hold down a job. Unless you are in that person's shoes you don't know.

I have said many times that I can see from all sides...people who work hard and feel they are being shafted, for many being in work isn't easy.

They are unsure that their jobs are safe and will be there one week to the next, they are unable to ask for a wage rise or might be told because times are tough they might have to take a wage freeze or a cut, many jobs pay the minimum wage(a nice idea)but unless you are just starting out, that is not a living wage to run a home or bring up a family might just about manage if you are still living at home with your parents and they are not taking too much off you for bed and board.

The fact is that many jobs mean that people in work still have to try and claim benefits form the Government(perhaps tax credits, housing benefit etc...)the problem is that few jobs pay a living wage. There is something wrong about that.

Unfortunately, I don't have an answer to the problem. I'm not sure those in charge have either looking at the Euro currency fiasco happening in Europe(and how Ireland and Greece have had ask for help to bail them out)and a number of other countries may have to in the future. And we haven't even touched on the global economic problems of recent years which has seen bankers become hated by so many.

For many, the help given to the sick and vulnerable and those who are looking for work isn't great either and with the current economic climate it has given our coalition government the excuse to reduce or cut what they pay but again stories in the press and broadcasting media are of fiddling and scroungers(which is minuscule in the great scheme of things)it means many are all tarred with the same brush.

The only possible way a family not working might be better off is if they are all over the age of 16 and share the money between a whole household but if you are the only person claiming and happen to be single or have a partner and have will be a struggle.

Again, I'm not sure I have an answer except the vulnerable should not be vilified and the problem still lies within the business community and yes, with those who work in the stock exchange, the investors, the bankers and so on...

But again the following two stories should worry all of us...those of us who are in similar situations now or could be through no fault of our own in the future.

And when, as will happen, some say these tales are anecdotal...they are no more so than those tales put around by those critical of the vulnerable in society being undeserving but its so hard for the vulnerable to be heard.

As bad as our system is or rather is becoming over the next few years we then have to say at least some help is available many countries you really would be left on your own and not receive anything.

Married Couple Commit Suicide

Fit For Work


Anonymous dan said...

What we will need is more and more
cctv systems
this is to protect people around the world.
mainly come in use to prove crime and
cctv cameras
are playing a major role in this field

26 November 2011 at 18:27  

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