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Monday, November 21, 2011

Bit Of A Cheat...

I did a clear out of my cupboards and pantry the other day...throwing out items past their sell by dates and found I have more soup than I thought so in reality I can avoid buying any for awhile.

For many months I have thought I should make my own soup(It would be no more expensive)and would have fresh ingredients and probably have more goodness in them. I have some great books with recipes but you can virtually put anything you wish into the mix.

Today, I had some fresh cauliflower and broccoli and I knew there was no way it was going to be used in a meal and I was reluctant to waste it. So I whizzed it up in my smoothie machine with some vegetable stock, brought it up to the boil and served it up. It did not taste bad, I know that it has all the goodness of the vegetables too.

And I hope all the fibre too. I might've left it chunky but by liquidising I know Mum can manage it better. I was also able to make at least double the amount of soup you purchase in a supermarket for the price.


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