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Friday, August 19, 2011


From left to right these images show all the trees etc...within my area. Now when you get to the third image that is my tree in my garden under threat with all the others. OK we may be able to prune and shape what we have but if they stick to the 8" Feet ruling all there will be is tree trunks and nothing else.

I have watched and tracked the sun and the neighbour that might've complained saying his garden is darkness is not correct as the sun is at various heights during the year and the direction means that sunlight hits his garden from virtually every angle mainly coming in from the sides of other gardens(My own garden has a part of the day where it is darker because of a shadow from the house next door)
It happens.

My tree is bare for approx 8 months each year. The picture perhaps doesn't show it too clearly but sunlight does get through big swathes of gaps inbetween branches and finally it does not block any light from the property.

And I understand that though you can ask for a tree to be cut if light into a house is a problem, its not so if some light is lost in a garden.

There would be more to worry over as the fourth image shows where a line of conifers are down one side of a garden and another similar line is down the other side of the same garden. I can't see that second line but I know they are there. But its a private property and neighbours have tried to do something about them unsuccessfully.

We'll just have to see what happens next.

Remember you can make the images larger by clicking on them.


Blogger Span Ows said...

Insist on seeing written proof of the 8 foot rule, that may apply to a line of firs b most certainly won't apply to individual deciduous trees. Just say no. Ask them to show you the regulation.

21 August 2011 at 21:19  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

Where does a tenancy agreement disappear to when you need it?

My goodness if I had a line of tress as in the last image I think there is something to complain about.

I found out today that the neighbour nearest to those trees has tried to have something done about it and had no joy. The poor guy is in poor helath and loves his greenhouse and cannot use it.

But its private property!

Someone said today(maybe there is some truth in what they rent your house and so therefore you rent the garden)so its contents belong to the Landlord too...

I don't know but perhaps...but unless its doing damage is it fair what is being proposed?

21 August 2011 at 22:11  

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