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Friday, July 15, 2011

Another Day


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Update:A few friends have seen the previous images and say its not me being unreasonable so that makes me feel better but in another way it just make me all the more full of disbelief(I'm no builder)but I wouldn't put posts in with cement in that way.

But if it was my fence I'd make certain most was on my side or it was evenly distributed. Thier garden hasn't been touched.

I'd like to cause a stink but I am too easy going.

Does it look any better this morning? No. The cement and stakes are covered with something but I'm not sure what. It looks like whatever it is compacted and the rest looks like rubble.

Whilst the fence is down, the conservatory is getting some plaster on it which when the fence goes up is too close to the building for any work to be carried out. No one can squeeze in the space. Until now its been breeze blocks.

And here's a fact when the original fence was erected it was done before the Conservatory was built. The builders had such a job finishing it because of the fence and they had to stand on top of it(don't think the neighbours ever knew that)which probably helped weakened it.

I'll try and take some images from the same angle as before later...Perhaps I'll come around in the end.


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